Monday, December 29

cheers: no traffic in the morning :), watching the office bbc dvd ... oh my gosh so funny, saw FTC this weekend, star 98.7 80's countdown on new year's eve, going to a new drinking hole, eating see's candy, and i guess my biggest cheer is .... I GOT MY NEC LCD 1765 17"IN MONITOR. :) so happy. it is great. i came to the conclusion i must be a semi nerd cause while most girls spend their money on clothes or make up .... i just blew over $500 bucks on a flat screen computer monitor and I LOVE IT. hee hee.

jeers: overtime at work because this week is short and we HAVE to meet our deadlines (sigh) ..... , coming home late only to know you are heading back to work in a few hours, having friends not contact you, talking to REALLY self absorbed people, my credit card bill after purchasing the NEC 1765 17"in LCD monitor :(

spinning: nothing
okay, so i watched Stuck on You...and i actually liked it. matt damon's love interest was a chinese girl. my complaint: why oh why do some asian girls have to have whiny annoying high pitched voices????? i swear i was covering my ears during the movie because i was that annoyed by her voice. ick.

Hoorays: no traffic this morning, just came back to work from a 5 day weekend, will have lunch with new wave and pigern, it's not raining, not sick

boos: stomach feeling very big from all the food, kind of have a lot of crap to finish up at work, temporarily broke from all the holiday spending-need to start saving some more

x-mas gifts: Spa certificate, Britney CD =), Tupac CD, Basketball court, Purse and other cool stuff. =)

Recent Movies: Return of the King- great movie!!! =)

Paycheck-suprisingly good. i wasn't expecting much, but i liked the
plot, Uma Thurman looked really bad in the movie though

Friday, December 26

cheers: no traffic this morning ... i have never seen the 405 so empty, sleeping all day yesterday and being super lazy, the good food i have been having, six feet under dvd i got :), getting paid today, seeing a cure tribute show tomorrow, maybe having lunch with FTC this weekend.

jeers: coming in to work :( today ... ugh, having to work a full day most likely, how i can't sleep right now, how i actually have work to do so i can't even zone out, how nick and mac are on vacation right now ... actually i'm glad for them cause they deserve it :).

spinning: reptiles and samurai - oingo boingo live

Thursday, December 25



people can't drive in the rain. Last night, I watched Something's Gotta Give. It was a really good movie. I thought it was gonna be predictable, but it wasn't.
Merry Christmas!!!

It's Christmas day and it's raining, "so don't forget to bring a towel," kind of puts a damper on things, but hey, we're here to celebrate Jesus' birth. Anyways anybody get some cool presents? I mean i'm sure nothing is as cool as the du rag because really I don't think that's easy to top, well actually one year I did receive a very special Steve Urkel Board Game, thanks Darth....haha. I'm kind of late on the LOTR thing, but yeah it was cool, I wish they had an epilogue part for Gimli, and his kind. Oh well, maybe the extended version will have something. I'll rant and rave as well so here we go.

Rave: London baby! going tomorrow for a week (plus the Married with Children, the one where they go to Lower/Upper Uncton was on yesterday, got me excited!), My week and a half off of work, Christmas time, rest and relaxation.

Rant: Nothing really, I guess the only thing is having to go back to work, knowing there's going to be a big pile of crap for me to do. Oh well, i'm going to enjoy my time.

Piece on Earth, did I spell that right?

Wednesday, December 24

wow i haven't blogged in a long time....haha..better do this before i get kicked out. First off merry christmas to everyone in the house. Thanks again to mac for getting me my sweet du rag which i am currently sporting at work for a couple of minutes. Hedwig, it looks similar to the condom hat the red hed i'm stuck at work today until they decide that i can go thats never going to come. Anyway i'm doing stupid tasks to occupy my time..yes the office just gave us a christmas game to lotr rocked!! it was really good and anyone who at least doesn't give peter jackson directing props is a moron. thats just my opinion. are there any other movies worth going to watch right now? Here is a quick rant and rave section:
Rave: Broncos in the playoffs, finished shopping, good meals for the next 2 days, going to the gym more, no lingering pain from where my wisdom teeth are,
Rant: Dodgers doing nothing in the offseason, being tired all the time, clients who yell at you, my messy room, car and office (haha)

currently listening to: Radiohead "Where I end and you begin"

Monday, December 22

well that was a nice christmas present from mother nature .... an earthquake and a big one for that matter. it was 6.5 and centered about 240 miles from LA and 200 miles from SF. it was strange cause the building kept rocking and stuff, i felt all dizzy. i'm glad more people went and saw LOTR - ROTK it is all about that movie BUT some people in my office seem to disagree. they found the movie too long, too homo and too overdramatic for their tasebuds. one person felt peter jackson was a terrible director .... go figure. i'm kinda of surprised to meet people who did not like it just cause i thought everyone would like the last one cause it wraps everything up. a few of them prefer the second one to the third. i'm really disturbed by the whole homo thing cause i mean why is it that men who just really are loyal and loving to each other seem HOMO. so lame. that movie master and commander should be super homo then cause that is a bunch of men on a boat ... or what about all those war movies ... there are a lot of men there ....

spinning: friday i'm in love - the cure .... ha ha

Sunday, December 21

So I fianlly saw LOTR 3. And it was really really really good. I can't wait for the extended version.

Saturday, December 20

hey drumline was actually sorta good. but i would have to say that honey doesn't fall into the "so bad it's good" category. i thought it fell more under the "so bad it's good it's bad" category. other "dance" movies i admit to uh liking: save the last dance and bring it on. hehe.

Friday, December 19

awww i liked honey. i mean c'mon who expects a good script out of a dance movie??? don't you expect the cheese?? i dunno it got me wanting to dance made me miss it sooo much. and at the end with all the kids all happy....good stuff! haha. i wouldn't say it was the best movie, but for dance movies, i think it's about right where it should be.....among the "center stages" and the ok well it's not a dance movie but comprable "drumlines"....hehe. ok ok i'm lame for paying to see it. *hangs head in shame* and liking it *thud on the table*
Okay okay so I watched a bootleg version of Honey (yeah yeah yeah)...bc although I know it's gonna be bad, I love dance movies! ("Nobody puts Baby in a corner!")...Honey was SOO bad. Worst script ever, cheesy after school music. Lame-O!!! AND she didn't even say: "This is what I do!" That is my favorite bad line from the trailer. What a disappointment.

Listening to: Deathcab for Cutie - The Photo Album.
I don't understand why girls want to go for pretty boys. Why go for guys who are obviously hot? I like to search for the cuteness. There has to be something wrong with them. Haha.
Orlando Bloom is pretty boy hot. In the 80's, he would be on the cover of Teen Beat ... like Kirk Cameron. Do they still have those magazines around? Anyway, I think he's hot cause he can speak elfish and is British. On a side note, I was driving to work yesterday and I saw this lady brushing her teeth in her car with an electric toothbrush. I think that's really disgusting because where would she rinse? I think brushing your teeth is almost as worse as picking your nose in the car without tinted windows.

Thursday, December 18

oh and i forgot to say....when i was watching lord of the rings...well this one part they showed legolas/orlando bloom and a bunch of girls around me started clapping and giggling. So later on in the movie when Arwen/Liv Tyler came on...the guys around us-to be funny-started clapping and giggling. fun stuff!

ALSO, i like orlando bloom...BUT i was wondering why the fascination? like he's not all masculine or anything. so I was wondering if there is a trend of girls liking "feminine" type of guys. I.E. Justin Timberlake....Orlando Bloom....haha ok maybe not a trend but those are two big ones! hehe For me, I tend to like pretty boys anyway--even tho the red head protests that he's a pretty boy.....i do. I just thought the general public liked vin diesel and the rock. *shrug*

sorry if my blogs sound REtarded but I've got a lot inside my head from exams...and can't really articulate at all right now. My verbal stores are shot!
oooh the house is gettin' hot! hehe what to blog about. ok i saw LoTR last night as well....BRAVO. It was a BIT long, but i'm sure they were tru to tolkien so it's all good. i think the whole trilogy is awesome b/c each movie is great in their own respect. RotK was awesome!!

about the last samurai blog....ok i don't think the girl should have gotten mad about tom cruise hooking up with a japanese girl if she's really all about being in the now. i totally appreciate my asian culture and what asian-americans have gone through to get here. yeah that was a wack ass idea about the "beautiful asian girl call" and i especially liked the first response's argument about Jews and Afr. Amer. But i ALSO think some ppl just need to relax a bit about this whole asian girl white guy thing....yeah i dunno...i gotta go learn about some drugs or whatever. last test tomorrow!!!

hey i also saw and loved LOTR: Return of the King...forget about pretty boys Legolas and Frodo. I'm all about Pippin!!! I love you Billy Boyd.
before i get into skimmy's post i wanted to talk about LOTR: Return of the King. it was alright and if by alright i mean the best movie visually as well as storyline i have seen ever. the storyline part is all credited to tolkien and his genius, the man was incredible to come up with this entire world. i could go on and on about it but i'll just say everyone in the house should go see it ... at least twice. :)

as for the wb post ... i could go on about this matter forever ... and trust me i could. i'll just say this: i have learned to really embrace my asian hertiage and to understand and respect all the hardships and work it took asians to establish their life in america. personally i think many of the negative images and views of asians and their culture come from individuals who do not take the time to get educated. movies made in the 1920's depicted asians women, like anna may wong, as temptress, slave girls or whores. asian men were often either villians, thiefs or side kicks ex. bruce lee as kato to green hornet. the key to stopping all this is for people to get MORE educated. ignorance spawns all these stupid perceptions.

spinning: janet jackson - better days
wow, i haven't read the blogs for a while and it's been very interesting reading everything. i must admit, when i see a white/asian couple instead of thinking the white guy has an asian fetish i tend to think that asian girl is "white washed". especially when you see that one asian girl with a whole bunch of white people. i should stop thinking that way though, i know.
well, did anyone watch the last samurai? i thought it was a great movie, it's probably similiar to "dances with wolves" new wave, but entertaining nonetheless. i cried through half the movie too. but, there's an email going around talking about how WB was asking for pretty asian girls to send a photo to get picked to wear japanese costumes to the premiere after party. it kind of relates to what we're blogging about so i'm pasting the forward here. it's long so if you don't want to read it, that's cool. =)

"Hi everyone,
Here is the original posting from the "Last Samurai" casting call party
followed by 3 different responses. ( I think the third response is
especially entertaining to read.) To receive extra credit, remember to
Blind Carbon Copy me or email me completely separately your response
to Cheryl Rave

(This was sent out on the UCLA listserve)


Casting beautiful Asian women for Warner Bros.' The Last Samurai
Premiere After-party to be held in Westwood on Dec 1st.. Women will be
dressed as village women from the film's wardrobe department and
'in character' through the party, helping to create the ambience of
ancient Japan, circa 1870's. There is no pay, but a chance to be part
of this year's biggest Hollywood premiere with a guest list including
Tom Crui! se and the rest of The Last Samurai's fantastic cast!!

If interested please forward a picture and information ASAP to:

Cheryl Rave
Entertainment Producer
Warner Bros. Special Events
(818)954-3549 phone
(818)954-3011 fax



FROM: Wyn Ngo
DATE: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:30:52 -0800 (PST)
TO: []
SUBJECT: "Last Samurai" Whore Recruiting

Miss Cheryl,

If you were promoting a film that depicted historical African slavery
would you dare consider luring in black people who'd be "in character"
as the party's "negro servants". Perhaps you might do the same with a
film about Jews where the after-party would have starved Nazi camp
prisoners celebrating themselves "in character". Would you dare walk
that ground amongst the blacks & Jews in Hollywood? (But Asians are

You are playing upon WHITE MEN'S racist novelty / fetish for ASIA
WOMEN as docile import sex-furniture. (How convenient that you'd
exclude ASIAN MEN as a COCK-BLOCKING presence amongst the white
men at the party who rule Hollywood. Really hard for white fat-cats to
leisurely hit on Asian "Geisha servants" when the ASIAN MALE
"WARRIORS" ironically depicted in your film would stare them down
during the party.)

(Particularly for Japanese Americans.)
The recklessness of your advertisement reflects the very dynamic of
racial power differential you practice in bias for white-dominated
Hollywood. (Where Asians and only the chosen "subservient" women
are for the good ol' boys of the white country club to smack on the

Are you this culturally st! upid despite your formal education which I
imagine is culturally bias to white social power differential. Learn how

live in California amongst TODAY'S Asian Americans who will be the
future employers of your white children (spawned from your white male
husband) after they go to college with them. Bare in mind that TODAY'S
Asian American showbiz executives and creative authorities are on the

So if you do not respect us out of deeper intelligence then perhaps
you ought to apply your business sense.

TODAY'S Asian AMERICANS are a proactive force in America with a
higher education mixed with sophisticated social awareness of a dual
cultural identity. This includes life experiences of RACIAL tension
inherent with the American upbringing. As new incoming generations
of AMERICANS WHO ARE ASIAN enter the higher status of the Am! erican
society they bring with them a vigilant pride fed by their multi-
cultural sensibility.

So be careful that if not just for yourself your children will not not
keep up with us. They may inherited from you a dated sense of racial
social perspective that elevated their parents' social position "back in
day" but now serves only to alienate them in the racial future of
PAY ATTENTION TO WHO WE REALLY ARE. As we are paying close
attention to HOW YOU PORTRAY "WHO WE ARE".

-Wyn Ngo
(An Asian American MALE in showbiz.)



Dear Ms. Rave,

I am writing this letter in opposition to the casting call you recently
out on UCLA's listserv. I have seen the preview for The Last Samurai and
was incredibly disturbed by the romance between Tom Cruise and the
female Asian woman. Granted, I have not yet seen the movie so I do! n't
know how the relationship arose and how/if it ended at the conclusion
of the movie, but the very idea of a white man going into an Asian
country and sleeping with an Asian women is sufficient to spark my

Historically in America, Asian women have been depicted as sex toys,
commodified, exoticized, and hypersexualized in film, literature, and
other mediums of art. Historically, white men have invaded Asian
countries (such as Korea) with the facade that they are "helping" that
country rise out of its third/second world status. Instead, white men
have raped Asian women and robbed them of their dignity and honor.
Hollywood is following suit by depicting Asians and Asian Americans as
objects of commodification and hyper- or hyposexualization. Our
women are too sexy and our men are not sexy enough. Our cultures are
trivial and can be lumped together.

One example is when Pierce Brosnan [had sex] in a Buddhis! t temple in
007. If the producers of that film had done their research properly,
would have known that any type of profanity or indecency in a Buddhist
temple is completely unacceptable and downright appalling in Asian
cultures. Another example is in Mulan. Apparently she was a Chinese
girl, yet she was wearing a traditional Japanese kimono. This reflects
little regard that Hollywood producers have for Asian cultures.
Hollywood clumps us all together and it does not matter whether we are
wearing kimonos or hanboks or saris. Each Asian country is a distinct
country with its own history, cultures, values, food, and honor system.

However, that is not to say that when one Asian community is attacked,
the other Asian communities do not rise to their defense. Having seen
the preview for The Last Samurai, I fear that again Japanese women will
be depicted as sex objects for white men - Tom Cruise sleeps with a
Japanese wom! an. Regardless of how that relationship arose, the
perpetuation of sexual imperialism by white man to Asian women is
absolutely unacceptable.

Your casting call requested "beautiful Asian women." Again, apparently
we all look alike too, correct? During World War II and Japanese
Internment, Korean and Chinese Americans had to wear pins that said
"Korean, Not Japanese" so that the police officers - white people -
differentiate between who to take and who not to take to camp. In this
case, you don't care. Any beautiful Asian will do. Any Asian woman can
dress up in village clothing to scamper about among Hollywood's
toughest white men. I wonder why your casting call did not call for
handsome Asian men? Are they not also part of the scenery in an 1870s
traditional Japanese village? It is my understanding that Asian women
(oooh, forgive me if I make generalizations, but as long as you're doing
it, why can't I?) were no! t allowed outside their homes. It was

indecent for women to be outdoors among society. So if you really
wanted to recreate a traditional Japanese village, you may want to
change your casting call for ONLY men instead.

I also oppose the fact that you called the 1870s "ancient Japan." In the
1870s in America, Reconstruction was in full swing. The 17th and 18th
centuries In England saw the continual rise of the Industrial
Is that your definition of "ancient"? Asian countries are responsible
many renovative inventions; for example, the printing press was
invented in Korea long before Guttenberg. Asian countries are NOT
backwards, are NOT primitive, are NOT "ancient." (i added this after i
sent it to her)

The fact that you asked for "beautiful" women also raises questions.
Whose defintion of "beautiful" are you using? Your western one or my
Asian one? What purpose would the women serve? Were you als! o going
to ask them to speak in "Ching chong cho" language to really get into
character? Should they bat their eyes and appear docile, demure, servile
and submissive? Would you like them to shuffle their feet? According to
the character in your film, should the Asian women who respond to your
casting call also sleep with Tom Cruise and the other white men who will
be at the party?

You sold us the "American Dream" and we took the bait. We came to
America. We built your damn railroads. We did your damn laundry. We
sold you cigarettes in liquor stores. We fed you Chinese noodles and
sushi. We grew your damn sugar and pineapples. We cleaned your
houses while you worked in a real white collar job. We slept with you
because you told us America and American men were better.

You did not offer any pay for this job of dressing up and mingling with
Hollywood's finest. Apparently you consider it a privilege to
in t! his party. You think we do not have anything better to do than get
dressed up in costume to meet Tom Cruise. Think again. Did you not see
Asians rallying against Proposition 54 in the election last month? Do
not see Asians with the highest enrollment in top-notch universities?
We're your doctors. We're your lawyers. We're your judges and police
officers and governors and politicians. We're your teachers and your
librarians and your Hollywood filmmakers and producers. We're your
classmates and neighbors and friends.

We are NOT free labor. We are NOT your servants. We are NOT objects of
commodification or exotification or oppression. We are NOT your sex

So in response to your casting call... NO, we are NOT interested in the
role to play "beautiful Asian women." And get it right: Asian AMERICAN

Sarah Park*
UCLA Asian American Studies Masters Program
3230 Campbell Hall, Box 951546
Los A! ngeles, CA 90095



Dear Ms. Rave:

I read the "casting call" for the premiere of "The Last Samurai." I also
read Mr. Wyn Ngo's letter castigating your advertisement.

I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Ngo's criticisms of your action.
However, since I do not know who you are, what type of person you are,
what kind of political and cultural sensitivities you may possess, or
how open you would be to feedback from Asian Americans, I don't know
what I could say to you that would be persuasive and meaningful.

Are you the type of person who would read the letter . . .

* and immediately realize the serious mistake you made and
acknowledge how insensitive it was,

* or try to cut the losses and issue an "apology" even though you
don't mean it and deep down think people are being too thin-skinned,

* or say, "Tough shit. This is Holly! wood and I'm a Tinseltown
hack. I need to make the party FUN for the guests,"

* or you couldn't give a shit about Asian Americans because you
don't like slant-eyed slopes anyway. "So, call me racist. I'm proud to
be one!"

Whatever your response, I think you ought to make it clear, unequivocal,
immediate and widespread.

I can assure you your casting call and Mr. Ngo's letter are already
circulating broadly through the world wide web, and across the country.
Already, in the eyes of MOST in the Asian American communities, Cheryl
Rave joins the ranks of Senator Trent Lott, Rep. Howard Coble, baseball
executive Bill Singer, baseball player John Rocker, golfer Jan
Stephenson, Al Campanis, Jimmy the Greek, and on and on. In deed, not
good company! Most of them were dismissed or forced to resign from
jobs and/or became interminable targets of protest and embarrassment.

I hope you have the courage and the wisdom to see ! the error of your
ways, take it to heart and do something to correct the immediate
situation and to do good for human kind in the long run.

Mike Murase"

Wednesday, December 17

ok so i think that whole vaginal canal thing is a myth, which i've never really even heard of. so if i'm understanding it correctly, you're saying that asian's vaginal canals are positioned opposite to the rest of the worlds female population. a. if that were even possible, it could only be caused by some kind of developmental defect and would not affect ALL asians...b. how does this make it more pleasurable for guys? if anything it would make it pleasurable for girls right? ANYWAY so to answer your quesiton it is possible but its NOT possible to have the whole asian population to have this magic vaginal canal hehe
no problem, mac, i'm here to inform. if this makes any sense to anybody at all, please explain. isn't that against the rules and laws of the human anatomy?
on the subject of the "fetish," i think it's harder for the house and myself to understand the other point of view. it seems like a decent amount in here has dated outside their race, so it's okay for us. i know some people that see the asian/white dating and say oh it's a fetish. i just think, man you're dumb, but i wonder why they think the way they do. maybe it's cause there are guys that do date because of the stereotype, and the people that think that way have been exposed to it or their social background disagrees with what they perceive as to be bad. also with the people i know, if one of our friends is dating outside their race it's not considered a fetish. so in order to judge a person you should have to know them right, but that does not hold true, how lame is that?

i know about the whole unspoken rule thing as well, my mom is of the old school. i think it's stupid and i never cared to listen to it, ironically enough, currently i'm with someone of my own race.

dorkus, thanks for the new info of the asian vaginal canal, wow that's news to me. hahaha.

Tuesday, December 16

color blind societies do not realistically exist. established.
people should not be penalized for what they think or feel. i'd prefer if we recognize the racial differences and not necessary assume guy or girl dates said person due to their race. if an individual is confined to those standards, it is a sad thing. but i only have control over my actions and thoughts. not theirs.
truth is a subjective word. true friends are honest with each other. but tact and consideration of sensitivities and feelings are equally important.
optimism or giving people the benefit of the doubt does not necessarily equate to ignorance or self enforced oblivion.
LINDSAY LOHAN ROCKS!! yay freaky friday hehe. she's WAY better than that stupid Hillary Duff girl. GRRR!
oh yeah, freaky friday dvd release today. lindsay lohan forever!
Just my opinions.....
1) i think if a white guy is dating an asian girl, it does not necessarily mean he has a "fetish." however, maybe if all he dates are asian girls, then maybe he does have a fetish. and yes, it could be considered a race thing. you don't know how many old perverted white men check out young asian girls. it's disgusting. and mac, maybe you won't understand bc you're male, but trust me, there are a lot of white guys who want to date asian girls bc of the whole stereotype. plus i heard one time that black guys want to date asian girls because their vaginal canal goes sideways. WHAT???? i don't get it!
2) sorry new wave, you asked a question that will have no right or justifiable answer (about the double standards of girls being sluts). that's just it, you see, it's a double standard fostered by society. there's never going to be an answer to that question. it's just unfair is all.
3) who gives a f*** what you do anyway? do what you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone else.
4) if you think i have a white "fetish" because i have mostly only dated white guys, then so be it. i don't care.

listening to: lisa loeb and elizabeth mitchell - "donguri" - traditional japanese song

1) When I see an Asian girl with a wite guy, I don't automatically think that the white guy has an Asian fetish. But if he only dates Asian girls, then...yeah... it's a fetish!!! But I also think it's a whole mind set that people get when they think of dating an Asian girl. I think most white guys would consider that Asian girls are more subservient than the rest of the other races.
2) I agree with what Hedwig Potter wrote. When you are raised in an Asian family, there's an unspoken rule that if you are seriously dating someone, then the guy better be either the acceptable Asian race or maybe white. I know it sounds shitty but I think it's true in most cases.

Monday, December 15

man i want to live in gumdrop land with lollipop lane, better yet i want to live in the land of chocolate like homer, where there are chocolate posts, chocolate rivers, chocolate dogs... hehe, that episode is sweet. anyways, i know that people aren't color blind and that the many perceptions exist, i was just giving a take on what i think. i agree with hedwig, that if you're happy it's all good. if other people have trouble accepting that, that's their own problem, to sound kind of selfish, i belive a person should benefit themselves if it is worth it to them, and not care about what others have to say or think, that is if it does not do any harm to the other party. it's not your fault that you are happy and have what you want.

i have a few manwhore friends myself as well as a few female friends as well, but hey it all goes back to if it makes you happy, to quote rocky balboa, "go for it!"

yeah the truth does hurt, actually i take that back, i don't want to live in gumdrop lollipop land if it is used within that context. "a true friend stabs you in the front" (oscar wilde) i'd rather have that then people talking smack and being fake when in your presence. get it out, get it open, get it over with. peace.
OK perfect time for me to blog. i just finished w/ an exam...and haven't started studying for the next one yet. SO, as an asian girl(yeah i'm asian, some filipino's don't consider themselves asian--yeah they're dumb) dating a white guy here is my take on it. I'm just gonna ramble cuz my brain is a big blob. In H.S. all i went out with were black guys...there are many factors that contribute to this...maybe b/c there were no asian/flip guys, or any good looking white guys...there were 43% latinos in my i dunno why i dind't go out with any mexicans. ANYWAY, for me, I pick and choose. I met a cool white guy that i LOVE...and I guess if we broke up or whatever, i would probably go out with a white guy again b/c I'm used to it and that is what I"ve been accustomed to for 6 years.

I think one of the reasons why so many asian girls go out with white guys is b/c all the other races (Mexicans, Indians, perhaps other asians, and let's not forget the number one African-American no no) are off limits. Yeah you can do whatever you want, date whoever you want...yeah sure, gumdrops and lollipops. So i think that's why asian girls go out w/ white guys...they're "safe." That's just a theory I have...not the reason why i'm with my bf right now haha.

As for white guys and asian girls....I think people have a tendency to like certain features. I myself, if I were to like girls...I would go for the darker haired, more ethnic looking girls lookswise...although i don't really like typical asian females for the most part personality-wise...that's just me. My bf has never gone out with a white girl. He's been with asians and latinas...that's his type.

And my third and last theory...sometimes people just don't like the opposite sex of their own race. I don't like Filipino guys...not the typical ones anyway--they're wack. My bf doesn't like the typical white girl. I haven't really met any asian guys that have interested me. Hmm...maybe i'm just a self-loathing person haha *shrug* Maybe people want something new aside from their own culture---cuz you know white ppl don't have any kind of culture hahahahaha kidding only kidding...and asian girls wanna get away from their asian culture that is sometimes being shoved down their throats by their parents. Who knows? Who really cares? Get with who you want long as you're happy it's all good right? it's allll good.

as for the guys=stude girls=slut thing...that's just another double standard that will go on forever. it's only guys who think that. girls think guys who sleep around are sluts too...who wants to go out with a playa? not any girls i know.

listening to...myself telling me to go to sleep. nap time!!
ha ha okay mac ... i heard the song on kroq while driving home and had to rock out to it. i mean hello it is good charlotte. hee hee. okay in response to your reponse .... that is nice that we all live in magically color blind society in gumdrop land on lollipop lane but seriously ..... you know people are NOT color blind. i don't think it is a bunch of bullshite that some white male looks at asian women at a submissive, china dolls to do their bidding. i actually think it is a very real and true perception on asian women from certain types of males, even asian males. personally i don't think you understand cause you are a male yourself. i do agree though that a lot of asian males do have a white woman desire ... ha ha much like in undercover brother and the whole black men desires for a white woman ... i think it exists for the yellow man as well.

as for the second part ... joke all you want but i talked to some guy who i know has been around the block a few call a girl who slept with some guys a slut and that irked me. sheesh.

oh and people don't like the truth cause it hurts. people don't like to get hurt ... in a way i think it is some times good not to know the truth cause it can really mess some people up bad when they do find out. let them live in gumdrop land with lollipop lane.

oh and sweet about milli vanilli :)

spinning: electronic
whoa, new wave, i have to ask, why or how you even know that song by good charlotte. i didn't know that existed. haha. and to answer your questions, remember people this only my own opinion, and if you don't like it that's cool. oh and darth, fetish is used in the context of new waves question, i agree with your opinions on what a fetish is.

1) the whole asian fetish thing is stupid. if a person likes another person, and vice versa, i don't think the race card has anything to do with it. and if they like only a certain "type" of person, fine it's their choice. i think it's stupid that people even have this idea, i mean, really, who said that asians have to date asians, whites have to date whites, etc.... also the only people that i've been around that say "ooh that guy has an asian fetish" is usually an asian person. "it's a subservient thing, they want the asian girl to act coy and serve them, so that they can be/feel dominant," that's a bunch of bullshit.

as for the asian girls and their white fetish, i don't think asian guys, who usually are the ones to bring this up, realize that maybe, just maybe, it's the other way around, and that the asian girl wanted to date the white guy, and it's not always the guy persuing the girl. that's why there is no so called white fetish. one last note on this, i'd like to point out that a lot of asian guys have a white fetish as well, but they just don't follow through, it may be harder on them to persue a white girl, so they don't do it, and i think that role reversal leads to jealousy, and that may be why the idea of the asian fetish is around.

2) i could insert joke here, but i.... must.......... refrain.....;) i can't really give a good explanation to this one. i don't agree with the thought processes of this concept either, but i can't explain it, so i won't.

i would like to ask my own question though. why is it that when you voice your opinions out loud and they do not agree with what others think, you are a dick if you're a male, or a bitch if you're a female? i mean you are being truthful right?you want the truth, you can't handle the truth, show me the money, bear driving car, what that mean, that no make sense. (sorry that was from clerks the animated series) but i do believe that jack had a valid point in a few good men.

one last thing, this is off the topic, but my friend met fabrice morvan at some bar. who is he, well see if you can guess, cause girls you know it's true. he wants to go out with her. hahaha. yes i live vicariously through my friends, especially when they meet cool celebrities. still don't know then check it out here. the link was emailed to her.....good times hahaha.
1. if white guys who only date asian girls have an asian fetish, then shouldn't asian girls who only date white guys have a white fetish (i know darth fetish is not used in the right term here but just let me have this)
2. if a girl who is lonely and horny sleeps with guys why is she a slut but when guys do it, it seems acceptable. so are all the women on that show sex and the city sluts then ... cause they sleep with a lot of guys.

just your thoughts

spinning: feeling this - blink 182 on kroq

Saturday, December 13

all right, so last night was my company christmas party. i really didn't want to go but the christmas party committee (yeah, there's a committee) was hyping it and everything. last year's was pretty lame (small ballroom, low turnout, buffet style appetizers) but i sorta had fun because i got drunk w/ my coworkers. this year however, there were so many freakin' people that i didn't get to really talk to everybody. it was done casino style, which was cool because we had all kinds of tables and dealers and everything. i felt like such a retard bc i don't know how to gamble at tables so my coworkers had to teach me. (they were telling me to double down which totally reminded me of that one scene in Swingers.) it was in a nice big ballroom this time w/ a nice dinner and everything but it was SO boring. maybe i was bored because i didn't drink all that much this time. not that you need to drink to have fun at a company function. oh wait, YES YOU DO. so no more company christmas parties for me.......

side note: my sister told me it was so cold in boston last week that her hair actually froze. that's right. wha???
oh yes, it's me, from the depths of medical school. i have 56 hours to learn everything there is to know about cardiology, EEK. and what am i doing? >> BLOGGING :D
so i guess theres nothing new to blog about here. just school, school, and more school. oh, a funny thing, i love my school! so i'm going back to LA in a week or so, and i realised i have spent all my financial aid money. so i went and applied for an emergency loan ($650, cos i need it for "rent"), and i was all expecting to have to justify my needs for the money (needless to say, i didnt mention that it was for going out and x-mas money), instead, the lady in the office of curricular affairs asked me if it was enough?! "are u sure thats enough? should i just make it an even 1000?" OMFG! im like, uhhhhhh, i dont really need that much money. so she compromised, and i will be getting a check for $850 on monday. fun times will be had, thanks to the ucsf school of medicine. (i hope they never ever read this!)
thats about all i can think of for now.
just wanted to blog before i mysteriously disappeared from the face of blogger world (FOR THE CHEESE!)
oh and hedwig ... going back to the whole christian thing. well i know there is this gathering of christians like once a year. i remember one year it was at anaheim staduim and the event is called harvest which is why you see the stickers. they have speakers and play music, it is fun. as for the harvest christian part ... um i was told that we plant the seeds of christ in people and nuture them and then when it is time, i guess like Jesus Christ comes and "harvest" or something like that. i can't explain it well but you kinda of get what i mean. as for the latin bit .... ha ha yea the freak right. me no nothing.

spinning: the hardest walk - JAMC
i should be asleep but eh. my throat is killing me. i just wanted to make clear that although i complained about my company party, my new place is pretty sweet and i really can't say anything. work is killing me though. sheesh i've gone in early and stayed late and i've only been there for 3 weeks. ha ha. oh well. it so does not feel like the holidays are upon us.

oh and okay mac, obviously you were not informed .... the whole follow your dreams, you can do anything you put your mind to crap they cram down your throat in grade school ..... IT IS ALL SHITE. ha ha. you can try to find that job that will make you happy, that will fulfill your "enjoyments" or "desires" but see once you get that you will be quickly dissatisfied. why you ask. because it is human nature to always strive for something else. once we have attained what we wanted we get bore and want more. ain't we grand like that. i would like to end with a song from a "great" band that i think should lift your spirits mac :)


This world, this world is cold
But you don't, you don't have to go
You're feeling sad you're feeling lonely
And no one seems to care
Your mother's gone and your father hits you
This pain you cannot bare
But we all bleed the same way as you do
And we all have the same things to go thru
Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know
Your days you say they're way too long
And your nights you can't sleep at all (hold on)
And you're not sure what you're waiting for
But you don't want to know more
And you're not sure what you're waiting for but you don't want to know more
But we all bleed the same way as you do
And we all have the same things to go through
Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know
Don't stop looking you're one step closer
Don't stop searching it's not over...hold on
What are you looking for?
What are you waiting for?
Do you know what you're doing to me?
Go ahead...what are you waiting for?
Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know
Don't stop looking you're one step closer
Don't stop searching it's not over...
Hold on...if you feel like letting go
Hold gets better than you know...hold on

by: the great and only ..... GOOD CHARLOTTE

spinning: here comes alice - JAMC

Friday, December 12

in with: the buzzing of my computer

please do not read if you do not want to fall asleep, i'm just writing out my thoughts, and since i have no other forum to do so, here we go.

does anybody actually like their current job or workplace? what happened to our dreams and aspirations we had in our wonder years? wow, why am i rambling on about this stuff? i know it must be friday, and i must be bored in the last hour of work i have left. i guess the questions above are actually just thoughts i'm processing through my head these days. i feel that i have wasted a lot of time doing something that i probably won't enjoy doing later on, it's just for the money. bah to that, i'd rather get paid less and do something i enjoy, hopefully i am leaning towards the right direction.

out with: the buzzing of my computer..................
we had our movie premiere for "love don't cost a thing" and it was actually a lot of fun. because i was expecting the movie to be horrible, i ended up being pleasantly suprised. we got to walk down the red carpet and see the stars in the background get interviewed and take pictures. we took a picture with john sally and was sitting next to a table with the asian guy from american pie and better luck tomorrow. at the after party there was free dinner, coat check and FREE ALCOHOL!!!! new wave,

Thursday, December 11

well, new wave. at least you get a christmas party. one of the new coworkers asked me, so what's the holiday party like? oh, we don't get one this year. we can't afford it. lame.
you know they have to save money for the gifts they give to employees after they have been there for a year. oh wait. they don't do that. they just give you a card. my company sucks.
company parties do suck ... seriously. well mine wasn't that bad but let's see .... um they ran out of parking so i had to find parking IN WESTWOOD .... and we all know how hard that is. so then i finally find parking and haul my fat ass in the freezing cold wind to the W hotel. and when i get there .... of course the party is outdoor. no no it was not cold or anything, with the wind blowing. (rolling my eyes) so yea i stayed for all of an hour knowing pretty much no one since i just started. oh and did i add ... I'M SICK. like really really sick, like i had to call out of a day work even though i just started sick.

spinning: nothing
work sucks. and company christmas parties suck even harder.

on the beat box: title and registration - deathcab for cutie. such a good song.

Wednesday, December 10

oh...yeah they're italian....i guess it's people who live in the town where they filmed it. sorry fobby italian people....didn't mean to bag on your website
Not trying to push religion on anyone, or not trying to offend anyone...just thought i'd share. Have you guys heard of the Mel Gibson production about Jesus Christ's life? You can watch the preview on the second link...but i think u can watch on the first one too. Anyway, lemme know what you think of it. Supposedly it's ALL in Latin(looking over to New Wave....translate??) and/or Aramaic...with SUPPOSEDLY no subtitles. So all the images and score basically carry the movie. And i suppose if you're of the Christian denomination then you can probably infer what the character's are saying. I thought it was interesting though. Mel Gibson has an intro on it...and he addresses the Harvest Christians. What are Harvest Christians? I've seen the stickers etc...but never knew what they were about. So yeah....edumacate me if you can. :)

The Passion Official Site
The Passion Unofficial Site watch the 4 minute one.

p.s. i was just reading the unofficial site...the guy that wrote it is kind of dumb haha so don't take him all that seriously.
example: The cross is on the edge of Matera's canyon, and since for Jim Cavieziel, playing Jesus, was impossible to be on the cross for hours, they built a robot looking exactly like Caviezel. The robot is moved by remote control by Mel Gibson.
maybe he just can't speak english properly??

Tuesday, December 9

hey mac that's an interesting take on the situation...never thought of it that way. sux to be her. the avg joe guy was on STAR 98.7 today and some girl asked him out to new it's like he has his name out there...and girls are gonna go for him, so technically he wins. not only did he get to be on TV and go out with a "hot" girl...he gets to go out with hot girls that he prolly would have never gotten a chance to go out with. and the hot guy who she chose just gets her....hehe
first off, darth, why did you watch that? secondly, again, why? wasn't the average joe guy a millionaire or something, that's what i caught from a commercial i think? if that was the case, either way she would have been shallow, right? kind of sucks for her in my opinion, because it was a lose-lose situation, had she chosen the average joe, then people would have said she did it for his money, but now she's shallow because she went for the good looking guy. just my two cents.

Monday, December 8

Hmm i just finished watching the nightmare that is average joe. And guess who won? No!!! not the average joe but instead the good looking guy. The so called "evil guy" that we were all supposed to root against. And the poor good average joe gets sent home. What does this show teach all of us who aren't former miss america contestants or model/actors? Well I'll tell you "Evil always wins because good is dumb" Thats the lesson I learned.

Sunday, December 7

this is more for the three guys in the house .....

WHY ARE GUYS SO FREAKING ARROGANT? PLEASE FRICKING TELL ME? my guy friends and guys i meet are always such fu**heads about being right or being a know it all. yuck. it is such a horrible trait. i think darth and mac are both guilty of this and so are a lot of other guys friends i know. so my question is WHY. WHY OH WHY. see i'm not the typical female who will put up with that bullshite. okay that is my rant for the day.

spinning nothing ... i'm irked.

Saturday, December 6

for all you hardcore sbtb fans check this link out: click here

Friday, December 5

hey all. i just watched love actually and it was so cute! :) it made me feel warm and christmas-y inside for the most part. very good.
listening to: the trouble with love--kelly clarkson
being at a new place sucks. today i'm really feeling the whole new person and left out feeling. everyone has their little groups and stuff. let's be honest here i'm not a super friendly person so coming from a place like roth that was to here which is pretty cold and icy. it is just strange. eh oh well. what do i expect ... it has only been 8 days.

i thought one reason for the illegal immirgrants driving was something to do with them getting jobs. cause you know how you have to have a drivers license and another form of proof to work. yea something like that. i don't know all the details.

spinning: ramones - not sure which song ... music too low to hear
in with: alkaline trio - old school reasons

that sucks skimmy that he retired right before your game. that's a bummer. oh and i went on the carnival cruise. it was the first one i've ever been on, but i enjoyed it very much. i had 4 meals a day. yup that's right 4 meals a day. i thought to gain about 5 lbs after the trip, but it was weird instead i actually lost a few. man free food where you don't have to pay rocks. what's this pay for you food crap they have on land? haha.

t.v. has taken a turn for the worse. but i'm so happy for ashton kutcher's fame and fortune, oh no wait, he's an idiot. paris hilton. idiot. trista rehn. idiot. they make ben affleck seem intelligent.

hedwig, i totally agree with you. how is it that illegal immigrants can go out and get a drivers license? oh i know, because california is run by idiots. except for arnold because he's haaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuught!!!!

nofx - idiots are taking over
ok...this may be a stupid question a. b/c it's old news and b. it was repealed...i was away in Philly when this all went down...but who voted for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants? i was listening to the radio and they were talking about how they repealed it and it just doesn't make any sense that it got passed in the first place. if an illegal immigrant goes to the DMV to get their license...wouldn't that be a great way to find them and then deport them? why would you be able to drive legally when you're in the country ILLegally?? i don't understandddddd. does anyone share or disagree with my sentiments? anyone wanna explain to me the specifics of this law and who the hell came up with it in the first place?? it boggle da mind....

listening to: Dr. Kiick's review of biochemistry....woohoo

Thursday, December 4

Hi Everyone! It’s been a while but I enjoyed reading all the blogs that I’ve missed since November 17th. Not like New Wave has been keeping track though. =) Mac it does suck that Zo had to retire again. It sucks more that he announced it 3 days before the Clipper game I bought tickets for just to watch him. It’s okay though, the game was fun even though the Clippers lost and I wore my Zo jersey since he was there in spirit. I also came back from a cruise to Ensenada not too long ago and the swaying is normal. The first night back when you’re sleeping you feel like your bed’s swaying and you feel like you’re moving when you’re looking at the computer screen. I felt the most normal in a moving car, but it only lasts about 2 days, right? Did you go on Carnival or Caribbean? I went on Carnival last year and Caribbean this year and overall I liked Caribbean more. The ambiance and food was better on Royal.
I watch Rich Girls and yes they are pretty dumb but I can’t help but watch the show. Just like I can’t help but watch Newlyweds. I was laughing Pigern when I heard them talk about why people in the Midwest wear cargo pants. Remember when Alley said her father invented them? Why do we watch these shows? I don’t know, just like Jerry Springer people have a fascination with dumb people I suppose. But did anyone else watch Celebrity Poker? I was rooting for been Affleck because I didn’t like that Willie guy. But it sucked that David Schwimmer lost with Pocket Aces. Hmmm…I don’t gamble much but talking about it makes me want to go to Vegas. Vegas anyone?

Tuesday, December 2

watched a charlie brown christmas tonight ... okay if that part where linus explains the meaning of christmas to charlie brown does not bring a semi tear to your eye than YOU ARE DEAD INSIDE. seriously. for me the meaning of christmas is the birth of Christ ... Our Lord and Savior. not to get all churchy in here but tis the season and before you get sucked into all the commericalism, stress, worrying and more stress just take a moment and remember what the meaning of christmas is to you :)

on a totally different note ... while waiting for my 24 (it was slow in the beg. but so very very good at the end) to start i watched part of a simple life and flipped over to mtv for rich girls. WHOA is all i have to say. i want my brain back. ha ha. the simple life is just bad cause you feel sorry for the arkansas family for having to put up with the two stupid girls. as for rich girls you just want them to get all fat and jewish and destory the lives of their future children. okay i spent way too much time on this.

darth you are so lucky you got to see tori ... *sniff* i would have so gone. i bet she looked so pretty. she always does. too bad i'm in la now. ugh la sucks. the streets are confusing and hard to get through, there is a lot of traffic and the drivers are jerkfaces. oh well.

spinning: christmas time is here - instrumental from the a charlie brown christmas :)
Hey party people, just got back from my day at the Tower Records in Brea to watch Tori Amos live. It was well worth me taking a vacation day, and yes dorkus and new wave i know i have about a thousand of those. Anyway I got there around 7:30 am, and was 12th in line. The tower people were really organized and cool to everyone waiting. They kept us all in line and issued numbered bracelets out so that if you were first in line you would be the first one in to see her. After getting my bracelet I slept in my car, saw Bad Santa (insert laughter here mac) then slept in my car a little more then went to lineup. I spoke with a few other fans and watched as the Star 98.7 vip winners went in to meet her got their stuff signed and then left before she!??!?! yeah about 10-15 people didn't stay for the show.....that wasn't annoying or anything. We were eventually walked into the store and lined up, we were told to stand behind the vip winners who were sitting. So i was about 5 rows back, but still really really close. She did a five song set of: Silent all these years, take to the sky, Winter(my personal fav!!), Angels, and Seaside. Really cool and enthusiastic crowd of mostly died hard tori fans so that made the setting even better.

Thats all for now, i'll blog other stuff later.....
it's just like if you ride the elevator up and down a lot...or if you're on the plane for a long time...or after riding the's normal. your body got used to compensating for the boat swaying back and forth...and so your muscles, etc are just used to will take some time to adapt back. gotta get your land legs back. ;)
hi everyone i just got back from an awesome cruise down to ensenada and back up yesterday. i'll spare you guys the details, but i would like to share that good charlotte is taking over the world. on this ship all the kids, and i mean all the kids were the little minions of good charlotte. i think i must have seen over 20+ spawns of benji and/or joel. i don't think i've seen so much good charlotte paraphenelia worn at one time as i did on the ship. it was scary and disappointing all at the same time. i was so annoyed that while i was playing craps this 18 year old benji wannabe had a hot roll going that i stuck down a $25 chip on the don't pass line just so he could roll a 7. to my disgust he hit his point and pissed me off even more. haha....damn clone... oh yeah, i still feel like i'm rocking back and forth from the ship, i wonder if it threw off my interior balance or something. is that normal? med students or non meds, any ideas?
Honestly, I have yet to watch an episode of ER. I always want to watch it, but never get the chance to. Kinda like me and the ground breaking new drama....OC....ha ha yeah right. Is anyone going to watch the Simple Life? What's Wal-Mart?

Monday, December 1

i love scrubs!...and speaking of medicine on TV...has anyone been watching ER this season? it's really good. but see, i don't know if it's b/c i'm in med school or what. but i think the drama is it can't be that. but it does get me all excited when they say things that i understand!! it's awesome. altho on one episode...dr. romano(the asshole) asked abby(the nurse turned med student) what the insertion of extensor pollicis longus was...and i learned that 2 months ago...and i didn't remember what it was haha.

does anyone watch everwood? that's a good show too.

today's a veg day...i love vegging. no anatomy for a month! whoopie!