Thursday, January 31

(M) Once. (John Carney, 2006) Grade: A-

Thoughts: Wow! Once is such a simple and charming film about a street preformer guy (Glen Hansard) who meets a flower selling girl (Marketa Irglova) and over the process of a week compose and record a record together. It was such an impressive film considering the budget was around $150k and all the music was written by the two artist. I need to buy this soundtrack.

(M) Shoot 'Em Up. (Michael Davis, 2007) Grade: D

Thoughts: This movie was insight into the mind of a male, a place I never want to go. It was all violence, rock music and sex and no plot or storyline. I love Clive Owen but this was hard to watch.

(M) Away From Her. (Sarah Polley, 2006) Grade: C+

Thoughts: Away From Her is like The Notebook minus Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Julie Christie does a great job as Fiona Anderson and I felt for her husband Grant Anderson (Gordon Pinsent), who has to deal with his wife’s Alzheimer’s disease.

(M) Raising Arizona. (Joel Coen, 1987) Grade: B+

Thoughts: Kooky child kidnapping story about ex-con H.I. McDunnough (Nicolas Cage) and his cop wife Edwina “Ed” McDunnough (Holly Hunter). Nicolas Cage did such a good job in this role; I don’t think he was even trying. John Goodman, Sam McMurray and Frances McDormand also co-star.

(M) Ballon Rouge, Le (Red Ballon) / Crin-Blanc (White Mane). (Albert Lamorisse, 1956/1953) Grade: B+/B-

Thoughts: Using his own young son, Lamorisse creates an enchanting and moving tale about a young boy and his red balloon. It is a sweet tale about friendship and loss and only 34 minutes long. Unfortunately, I did not feel the same way about White Mane. Folco, a young boy, befriends a wild white stallion to the surprise of some cowboys who are trying to capture. In both these films, there is barely any dialogue but it works because they are both telling simple tales.

Movie Count: 5

Tuesday, January 29

(M) Enchanted. (Kevin Lima, 2007) Grade: C

Thoughts: Amy Adams was great as Giselle, a cartoon princess trapped in real life. Unfortunately, Patrick Dempsey is not a great leading man. The whole time I was cheering on James Marsden (Prince Edward). This movie was a very disturbing look at what it would be like if fairy tales movies we watched were real. However, one of the best scenes was when everyone was singing in Central Park that was pretty humorous.

(M) The Hoax. (Lasse Hallstrom, 2006) Grade: C

Thoughts: The subject matter about the film was more interesting than the film itself. In early 1971, struggling writer Clifford Irving (Richard Gere) “claims” to McGraw-Hill that he is working personally with Howard Hughes’s to write his autobiography. The best part about the movie was insight to what a genius/crazed man Howard Hughes’s was. Hope Davis, Alfred Molina, Marcia Gay Harden and Julie Delpy also co-star.

(M) Eastern Promises. (David Cronenberg, 2007) Grade: B+

Thoughts: Anna (Naomi Watts), a midwife, gets caught up in the messy business of London’s most notorious organized crime family. Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen) plays the families’ chauffeur who befriends Anna and tries to help and warn her against the questions she is asking. Honestly though I think I only liked this film for one reason – Viggo Mortensen naked.

(M) A Christmas Story. (Bob Clark, 1983) Grade: B+

Thoughts: Every year, TBS plays this movie for 24 hours on Christmas day so I decided to catch one viewing. This is such a classic cult film it is hard to give it a rating. Although it is no It’s a Wonderful Life it is definitely an enjoyable and silly holiday classic. I personally can’t relate to it because I was never raised in a "white" Christmas environment but I can respect it.

(TV) Wives & Daughters. (Nicholas Renton, 1999) Grade: A-

Thoughts: A great mini series based upon another one of Elizabeth Gaskell’s books. Molly Gibson (Justine Waddell) has to deal with her dad remarrying and a new mother and sister. It was quite enjoyable though not as good as North and South.

2007 Movie Count: 129

Monday, January 28

(M) About a Son (A.J. Schnack, Feb. 19) Grade: C-
Even the most ardent Nirvana fan will have difficulty watching About a Son, but not because of emotional footage of late singer Kurt Cobain. No, the footage is actually a whole lot of nothing. The film uses audio of interviews with Cobain, most of which are really interesting, but for the visuals, the director and cinematographer went to the cities where Cobain lived (Aberdeen, Olympia and Seattle) and shot random scenes of the places and people there. Snooze.

(M) Things We Lost in the Fire (Susanne Bier, March 4) Grade: C
I actually had really low expectations for this one, so within the first third, I thought it was OK, better than I thought. But by the last third, I was wondering when it would end. A bit of melodramatic excess made it annoying.

Wednesday, January 23

Topic: iPod saga

*Back in July 2006, I blogged about having $50 store credit to Apple due to a claim against them for their First, Second and Third Generation iPod battery life. Since I'm slow to doing stuff I sat on this for a long, long time until now. Apparently, the store credit was going to expire on January 23, 2008, which is today. I had to pick out something to buy. At first, I thought about getting an iPod Shuffle but at only 1GB it did not seem worth it. At the same time it was only $79 bucks and I did not want to shell out too much of my own money. In the end, I went for the 8GB green iPod Nano. This is the third iPod I have bought, my first being a 15GB Third generation. Oh how times have changed.

Tuesday, January 22

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

Monday, January 21

Topic: Coachella 2008

*Another year ... another Coachella. I have to say this is one of the more quieter and underwhelming years. The headliners aren't too great and the regular acts are just okay. I'm a bit surprised to see Jack Johnsom lead for Friday but oh well. Oh and it got more expensive for the 3 day pass. Yikes.
Topic: Untitled X-Files Sequel

*So there has been all these pictures on the net regarding the new X-Files movie that is coming out July 25th. All I can say is DROOOL. My gosh Mulder and Scully look great, they are back in top form. This sequel makes me realize how much I miss and LOVE the X-Files. One of my favorite shows ever. Is it July yet??

Thursday, January 17

According to the Jan. 18th issue of Entertainment Weekly these are the 25 movies to watch before the Oscars (if they even happen):

- No Country for Old Men
- Antonement
- Juno
- Michael Clayton
- There Will Be Blood
- Into the Wild
- American Gangster
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- Sweeney Tood
- Charlie Wilson's War
- The Kite Runner
- Away From Her
- Eastern Promises
- La Vie en Rose
- I'm Not There
- A Mighty Heart
- Gone Baby Gone
- The Assassination of Jesse James ...
- Lars and the Real Girl
- Hairspray
- 3:10 to Yuma
- The Savages
- Enchanted
- Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
- Ratatouille

So how many have you guys seen? I've seen 8 out of the 25.

Monday, January 14

Topic: TV, GH III, working

*So work has been bad but lucky for me there has been no new TV eps right ... OH WAIT. I missed a new Ugly Betty last week AND TWO Stargate Atlantis eps. Man I am bummed. I'll find ways to watch but dang it. I need to catch up on TV, movies and sleep but mainly TV.

*I got Guitar Hero III for the Wii and am rocking out. Sadly I suck really really bad so it is not going well.

Saturday, January 12

(B) American Born Chinese (Gene Luen Yang, 2006) Grade: A
Weaving ancient Chinese mythology with his own personal memoir, Yang tells the story of his boyhood, growing up as a Chinese American and dealing with his dual (and dueling) identities. Three interweaving stories illustrate what is said by a Chinese herbalist’s wife in the beginning: It is easy to become anything you wish so long as you’re willing to forfeit your soul. Never cloying or cliche, this book is a real winner (and was a National Book Award Finalist). (233)

(B) The Painted Veil (W. Somerset Maugham, 1925) Grade: A
This simple story of infidelity is really one about human transformation and the desire to find fulfillment in one’s life. The recent film adaptation (starring Naomi Watts and Edward Norton) changes the story to a more Hollywood interpretation, but Maugham’s original plot is far more realistic and touching. Also, the title is lifted from Percy Bysshe Shelley’s sonnet: Lift not the painted veil which those who live Call Life. An amazing novel, it is definitely one to dissect and sit with, analyzing the details. (246)

Friday, January 11

Topic: American Gladiators, Bruce Lee, Terminator, working

*I watched the two hour premiere of American Gladiators. I was not a huge fan of the show back in 1993, but I use to watch it on and off. This version is pretty violent but thankfully still cheesy. By far, the best looking Gladiator girl is Crush but I have a soft spot for Heliga.

*There is an interesting Bruce Lee exhibit at Gallery Nucleus. If you are out in the Eastside, give it a view.

*I miss tv .. not sure when the strike will end. At least I have the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Masterpiece Theatre: The Complete Jane Austen to look forward to.

*Work has been bad for me. I'm easily working 13 hour days or something insane like that AND have to come in on the weekend. People who claim to work over 60 hours a week and act like they are so important to their job are full of shite. If I had to do this work schedule all the time I would up and quit in a week.

Tuesday, January 8

I’ve seen a number of films but can’t remember them all, so here goes some short reviews.
(M) Blue Velvet Grade: A-
My co-worker mailed me this film when I told him I’ve never seen David Lynch. This was pretty entertaining and I was captivated all the way through. There’s also a lot going on here, so it would make a great subject for analysis.
(M) There Will Be Blood Grade: B+
Good film, but really long (about three hours). Daniel Day Lewis is great but the real surprise here is Paul Dano, who I’ve only seen in Little Miss Sunshine. Really impressive.

(M) I’m Not There Grade: B
If you expect a Bob Dylan biopic, look elsewhere. Something like No Direction Home, which is pretty good from what I’ve seen of it. Cate Blanchett gives the best performance but I also enjoyed Charlotte Gainsbourg’s part. For music fans, there’s a scene with Jim James of My Morning Jacket and the members of Calexico.

Sunday, January 6

(M) Wu Ji (The Promise)


Saturday, January 5

(M) Superbad
Grade: Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!!!

Wednesday, January 2

Topic: Eating, Rock Band, Dune

*I'm glad the holidays are over. I am not glad to go back to work BUT I am glad to get back into my normal routine. All the bad eating like meat, cookies, sugar, drinking, more drinking and junk is killing my body. I need my whole grain cereal and milk in the morning and fruit in the afternoon. Yum.

*For New Year's Eve I went to an old college buddies place and played Rock Band. At first, I resisted claiming I was just the band manager and wanted no part but the next thing you know I was on the guitar, drums (which was hard) and I even sang (very quietly and mainly into the mic). The cool part is the game has very modern songs from the Pixies, Smashing Pumpkins to Hole and Garbage. I really want that game but since you can't get it for the Wii I guess I will have to wait. Now I want to try to find Guiter Hero III for the Wii.

*I'm on this strange Dune kick where I want to watch the entire Dune and Children of Dune mini series. Spice rules!!!

Tuesday, January 1

2008 New Year's Resolutions:
1. Eat better, less meat. I don't want a lot of health problems when I'm older.
2. Buy property - I would like this to happen this year.
3. Save even MORE money.
4. Travel more to places like Hawaii, Florida, Scotland, China and HK.
5. Read the entire Dune Chronicles, which is 6 books.
6. Watch 125 movies and more tv shows like Roswell, Sopranos, Stargate SG-1, The L Word, Dexter, and Damages.
7. Attempt to lose a few pounds, though if I did no. 8 I doubt I can.
8. Finish my Crown City Brewery Beers of the World. I need to drink 100 beers and I'm at around 65 so getting there.

2007 New Year's Resolutions:
1. Eat better, less meat. I don't want a lot of health problems when I'm older (I guess I did this).
2. Buy some property. (No ... oh well).
3. Save even more money. (Yes).
4. Traveled to Washington D.C, Seattle and Toronto/Montreal.
5. Read one book a quarter / 4 books for the year but I'll be honest this might not happen.(I ended up reading three books in 2007 - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and Stardust by Neil Gaiman).
6. Watch 100 movies and many tv shows. (I ended up watching 129 movies and Stargate Atlantis, Firefly, The Closer, The 4400, Hex, Heroes and Weeds).