Monday, December 15

whoa, new wave, i have to ask, why or how you even know that song by good charlotte. i didn't know that existed. haha. and to answer your questions, remember people this only my own opinion, and if you don't like it that's cool. oh and darth, fetish is used in the context of new waves question, i agree with your opinions on what a fetish is.

1) the whole asian fetish thing is stupid. if a person likes another person, and vice versa, i don't think the race card has anything to do with it. and if they like only a certain "type" of person, fine it's their choice. i think it's stupid that people even have this idea, i mean, really, who said that asians have to date asians, whites have to date whites, etc.... also the only people that i've been around that say "ooh that guy has an asian fetish" is usually an asian person. "it's a subservient thing, they want the asian girl to act coy and serve them, so that they can be/feel dominant," that's a bunch of bullshit.

as for the asian girls and their white fetish, i don't think asian guys, who usually are the ones to bring this up, realize that maybe, just maybe, it's the other way around, and that the asian girl wanted to date the white guy, and it's not always the guy persuing the girl. that's why there is no so called white fetish. one last note on this, i'd like to point out that a lot of asian guys have a white fetish as well, but they just don't follow through, it may be harder on them to persue a white girl, so they don't do it, and i think that role reversal leads to jealousy, and that may be why the idea of the asian fetish is around.

2) i could insert joke here, but i.... must.......... refrain.....;) i can't really give a good explanation to this one. i don't agree with the thought processes of this concept either, but i can't explain it, so i won't.

i would like to ask my own question though. why is it that when you voice your opinions out loud and they do not agree with what others think, you are a dick if you're a male, or a bitch if you're a female? i mean you are being truthful right?you want the truth, you can't handle the truth, show me the money, bear driving car, what that mean, that no make sense. (sorry that was from clerks the animated series) but i do believe that jack had a valid point in a few good men.

one last thing, this is off the topic, but my friend met fabrice morvan at some bar. who is he, well see if you can guess, cause girls you know it's true. he wants to go out with her. hahaha. yes i live vicariously through my friends, especially when they meet cool celebrities. still don't know then check it out here. the link was emailed to her.....good times hahaha.

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