Friday, April 23

*The seventh season of Project Runway ended with Seth Aaron Henderson winning it all. I was pleased he won ... not sure if I loved his collection but he did put on a good show. Emilio was a bit of a snob when he found out he lost but you could tell he thought pretty highly of himself and his work.

*Speaking of Lost, the show is slowing coming to an end. Although the direction they are going in is not what I thought I am glad the show will be finished. I think some people give that show more credit then it deserves; stupid Lost-ies.

*Work still is sucking but I have stopped caring. There is only so much I can do ... and I just drink tons of coffee now.

*I have not been on the running thing. If anything I think I have been drinking more beer. Ha ha go figure.

Saturday, April 17

There was a neo-Nazi protest at City Hall in Downtown L.A. today, which unsurprisingly created a lot of debate about the guarantees of free speech. I was reading the coverage online, and there are four republished photos from Associated Press. I thought it was interesting which photos were chosen by which news source for the main image (Fox News and MSNBC). I'm a bit disappointed that the counter protesters didn't engage in peaceful opposition, though I understand how emotions can run high.

Monday, April 12

*Sadly if MTV makes this into a reality show I might watch - Koreatown Jersey Shore. Although I am a bit disturbed you do not have to be Asian to get on the show -
"But you don’t need to be a Korean or even Asian to join the show. Although Asians are preferred, as long as the person has experienced Koreatown life and is “obsessed with Asian culture”, they may be considered for casting."
... obsessed with Asian culture?!? Ick.

*Conan O'Brien heads to TBS. This is interesting news considering I thought he would go the route of FOX but I guess not. The thing with the networks is you have to deal with the affiliates which is one of the reasons why Leno failed at 10 pm on NBC. Does that mean TBS is now a cool station?

*On May 23rd and 24th, two major TV shows end - one I care about (24) and one I am lukewarm towards (Lost). It should be interesting to see how they wrap up.

*I am slowly realizing I am in an abusive relationship .. with work. I am not happy here, the hours are shite and management sucks yet I have not left. Instead I justify to myself it is not that bad and better than nothing. I need to take some action and start looking to see if there is anything else out there, though I think the job market is pretty crappy right now.

*I went running twice this week. The first run I was feeling pretty good and surprised how not winded I was considering I have not run in almost six weeks. But the second run I felt it and was more sluggish and slow. Ha ha I guess I need to just keep at it.

Tuesday, April 6

*Doc Martens turn 50 this year. I love these boots and own three pairs - my beloved green ones that I wore to my high school prom and all during high school, my black ones that I wore in college and currently and then my lovely white ones that I wore on my wedding day :) So apparently DM is working with 10 musicians to cover classic tunes and make videos of them, one of them being the Raveonettes who will cover The Stone Roes I Want to be Adored!! Although they will not have a video until September.

*I have not gone running since the end of February. I need to get back on that. Sometimes it is good to have a big run to train for otherwise you just become a lazy bum.

*It was announced a few weeks ago that 24 would be cancelled and although I am disappointed the show has been suffering in ratings and storyline. However the last few weeks, the show has gotten good again. Oh well Jack Bauer forever and there is talk of a feature film so that's good.

Sunday, April 4

*Happy Easter!!

*Well we are four months into 2010 and the whole blogging all the time thing lasted me the first 13 days of January. Oh well. I am not sure why I could not keep up blogging. I have not been doing anything interesting, aside from my trip to London/Scotland. Let's see how long I can keep blogging now.

*I am realizing marriage is an interesting thing. It has nothing to do with being married but more what happens after with friends and family. Basically all family things double up because you now have twice the obligations and friends pretty much drop off, especially married friends and definetly married friends with kids. It is not a bad thing, completely understandable but it does bum me out from time to time. I know things will just get worst if I were to have a kid or something of the sort. I guess that is why Facebook is so great ... helps pepole stay somewhat connected.

*Still on the hunt for a house. It is going but it can get you down when you try for a place and lose out. It is disturbing to see how people are willing to price some homes that clearly are not worth that much, people are crazy.

*Watched Sunset Blvd. the other night and loved loved loved it. The film really holds up even after all this time. Yes it was a bit over the top and camp but it worked and Gloria Swanson was amazing.