Monday, January 28

(M) About a Son (A.J. Schnack, Feb. 19) Grade: C-
Even the most ardent Nirvana fan will have difficulty watching About a Son, but not because of emotional footage of late singer Kurt Cobain. No, the footage is actually a whole lot of nothing. The film uses audio of interviews with Cobain, most of which are really interesting, but for the visuals, the director and cinematographer went to the cities where Cobain lived (Aberdeen, Olympia and Seattle) and shot random scenes of the places and people there. Snooze.

(M) Things We Lost in the Fire (Susanne Bier, March 4) Grade: C
I actually had really low expectations for this one, so within the first third, I thought it was OK, better than I thought. But by the last third, I was wondering when it would end. A bit of melodramatic excess made it annoying.

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