Thursday, January 17

According to the Jan. 18th issue of Entertainment Weekly these are the 25 movies to watch before the Oscars (if they even happen):

- No Country for Old Men
- Antonement
- Juno
- Michael Clayton
- There Will Be Blood
- Into the Wild
- American Gangster
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- Sweeney Tood
- Charlie Wilson's War
- The Kite Runner
- Away From Her
- Eastern Promises
- La Vie en Rose
- I'm Not There
- A Mighty Heart
- Gone Baby Gone
- The Assassination of Jesse James ...
- Lars and the Real Girl
- Hairspray
- 3:10 to Yuma
- The Savages
- Enchanted
- Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
- Ratatouille

So how many have you guys seen? I've seen 8 out of the 25.


bleed like me said...

i've seen ONE! (Juno...which i watched a couple days ago)

Anonymous said...

Just 6, but I have a few coming in on Netflix soon!

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Only two.. but Ratatouille is sitting on my floor. So it will be three.

Hedwig said...

i've seen 2! but i wanna watch juno and sweeny todd. i've seen enchanted and ratatouille.

pigern said...

I've seen eight but might see a few more soonish...

pigern said...

I saw Diving Bell, so that's 9. I'm winning! Haha.