to answer your question dorkus - wero8opbjlatyfajklewiguvjlaek. i hope that helps. ha ha.
hedwig i want to see all your europe pictures ... rad.
vegas was fun mac ... for the few hours i saw you and hector. too bad you guys couldn't have stayed longer and kicked it with us. some people from the house went to lost wages aka las vegas as my cuz likes to call it. didn't gamble much or drink ... boooooooo but i did get to go shopping. wow my favorite activity next to getting a paper cut. the only plus of the trip was seeing the blue man group, the drum and bass for that show is awesome.
rambling: my uncle and two cuz came down from toronto to hang with the family this week, i'm getting OT at work which means money, jude law is suppose to play ian curtis the lead singer of joy division who committed suicide in 1980 (can't say i'm a huge fan of this idea),watched freaks (1932) movie and found it to be very odd and cool at the same time, summer is almost over ... then fall and winter and christmas ... dang, thinking of places to travel to .. so far i have thailand, singapore, greece and hawaii on my list .. any takers, my cuz just came back from brazil and loved it .. i want to go, six feet under season four is getting a bit better but not much, when will good fall tv be back on, trading spouses a whacked show, want to get a new tat but that cost money and i'm not sure what design to use, applebee's food is nasty, and lastly ....
cure news: so i'm not sure if the whole house knows but i'm going to three cure shows - SD, LA and SF. the SD one is with rancid girl and LA is with pigern and the SF i'm doing the solo bit. the best part is how everyone keeps telling me they are going to play the same songs. WRONG. so far the cure has played a different setlist every night. how freaking awesome is that. OH YAY. granted about 70% of the songs will be the same but there is that 30% that will be different. ROCK.
ituning: so what - the cure