*On Friday, Darth and I went to a Dodger game. It was fun and we won so even better. Now we are 48-28 with Manny set to come back in a few days. The only bummer part was we left the game after it ended to beat the traffic instead of staying to watch the fireworks show ... which ended up being a tribute to MJ. Dang it.
*Say hello to our new TV. Oh how I love you new TV in all your awesomeness :)
*I spent most of Sat. night and all Sunday going through my cds and organizing them. I realized I use to buy a lot of junk cds ... a lot. I also realized my music taste is all over the place. I have quite a few cds I need to get rid of now and I doubt Amoeba would take them all.
*I hate writing thank you cards.
Friday, June 26
Topic: R.I.P. Michael Jackson 6.25.09
*I was at work when I learned Michael Jackson had passed away. Darth had sent me an email saying "omg Michael .... sad" so I went to the net and CNN reported he was being sent to the hospital however when I went to TMZ it stated in big words Michael Jackson dies. The odd part was no other new source was confirming this and I was not going to take a gossip rag site to be official news. After about 20 mins the L.A. Times reported it and it just broke. Apparently the news of his death slowed the Internet down to a crawl as people were just flooding the sties.
I am a fan of Michael Jackson and acknowledge he is hugely talented but deeply flawed. It makes you wonder though if he was that messed up on his own or did the wealth, fame and unhealthy surroundings lead to his tainted personal life. Regardless he is a mega talented singer, dancer and artist and will be missed by so many.
This quote was in regard to Elvis from the movie Forrest Gump but can be applied to the King of Pop - "Some years later, that handsome young man who they called “The King”, well, he sang too many songs, had himself a heart attack or something. Must be hard being the king..."
*In light of the sad news, I went out to Rowland Heights to meet Hedwig for some grub. First was Banana Bay for some yummy Thai food. We tried this green papaya salad her friend recommended but both agreed it was just okay. Then we went to Class 302. It was my first time and def. not my last. The place is set up like a classroom where your table is a school desk, the food comes in small tin like containers and there is a giant chalkboard. The item they are best known for is their shaved snow, basically frozen milk shaved down, served with mango or strawberry. Hedwig got that and I opted for the old school shaved ice with tons of stuff in it like red bean, grass jelly and boba.
Tuesday, June 23
Topic: Dodgers, movies
*Darth and I took advantage of the free parking offer last Wednesday for Dodger games. It was cool even though we lost ... booo. But hey to date the Dodgers are 46-24 with 92 games left to play and Manny coming back in July. Go Dodgers!!
*On Sat. Darth and I had to go to three gatherings. It was a bit nuts. The first was a birthday party at On the Waterfrontcafe in Venice Beach. I hardly ever have to drive on the 10 W past the 405 ... it was strange. Then it was off to an engagement party with cool Filipinos. They have some yummy cakes and pastries. Next was a luau for a graduation. The hostess (the grads mom) hired Polynesian dancers to perform and it was pretty entertaining.
*On Sunday the Lakers became 2009 NBA champs and got their rings. Kobe pretended to be husband and dad of the year with his family and he finally got that victory without Shaq, which he wanted so badly. Too bad stupid people decided to set things on fire near downtown LA / Staples. Classic. But the overall best part has to be we are having a freaking parade on Wednesday which will cost the LA city $2 million dollars. Apparently the Lakers are footing the bill for $1mil and the other $1 million was going to be paid by us taxpayers but has not been covered by private donations aka rich people.
*True Blood came back on Sunday finally. It was a pretty good ep setting things up for the season. The funny part is the main characters Sookie and Bill are not even as interesting as the side characters like Tyra, Sam and Jason. I fraking love Sam and he is smoking hot.
*Saw A Camp last night and Nina Persson is very impressive live. Her voice is like an angel. Oh and I didn't know her husband is in the band with her. Although it would have been nice if it was a Cardigans show because A Camp stuff is just alright.
*Last night I went to Downtown LA Art Walk held every second Thursday of the month. I only went because a friend of a friend was having an exhibit there, not sure if I would ever go otherwise. I was impressed with how many people were out and about. It was nice to see Downtown "trying" to shed off the decay that plagued that area. On the plus side I did get to check out a few bars and I'm always down for that.
*Seriously can we just give Kobe that dang ring and end the NBA finals already. I am very tired of all the Lakers talk and fans and fake fans and everything. I know I am a bad Angeleno for this but my goodness.
*True Blood comes back this Sunday. Freaking Hot!! I have to give HBO credit. They really put some money behind the ad campaign for this show.
*The whole getting hitched, moving out, preparing my own food makes me feel old and grown up. The realization that I can not do my 150 plus movie watching a year anymore is sinking in and I am not going to lie it is bumming me out a bit. I know the change is good and growing up is good (I guess) but dang ... I'm sure I sound like a big baby now who wants its rattle (and lolly). Wah wah!! I just thought I could ease into this whole thing by getting a condo maybe, live on my own for bit then I guess get hitched and do the whole "married" life. At the same time I thought I would be advanced in my career and now I'll be lucky if I am not laid off anytime soon. Oh well.
Wednesday, June 10
Topic: M.I.A, Wolf
*Wow this blog was close to death. Sorry about that. Well one of the main reasons for the lack of posts was I got hitched at the end of May. All the work and time that goes into planning an event like that is insane. I can not say it was worth it but I will say my parents seemed really happy that day which was cool. I have tons of pictures from the whole thing that I will put up in another posting.
*I went and saw Patrick Wolf at the Roxy last night. That man is FAB-u-lous. He is so awesome and talented. I wish I brought my camera so I could have photos to share but alas no.
*If you want a laugh check out this clip of Mark-Paul Gosselaar on Jimmy Fallon from Monday night. I have to give it to Mark-Paul ... he looked the same from his days of Saved By The Bell.
*I am tired of moving stuff and having the rooms all messy. Oh well. I need to get back on my movie watching schedule especially since regular TV is on hiatus. I will post some movies I have seen soon but it will be a short list.