Tuesday, September 4

Topic: Wedding, Fall TV.

*At the end of this week I'll be in Seattle, WA for a wedding. I'm glad pepole are getting married :) but I can't say I'm thrilled to go to yet ANOTHER wedding. Ha ha. I am interested in going to Seattle but sadly my time there will be pretty brief so can't really sight-see much. Oh well.

**Per Hedwig, this part has been updated with dates :) Plan accordingly. Sadly I'll be out of town during most of the new shows but I'll be taping like mad :)

*So the summer is drawing to a close (thank goodness) and new tv programs will be back. Too bad Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls are gone. I guess that means I have to find new shows to love until they get cancelled. Here is my fall list according to epguides.com:

Sunday - Simpsons (Sept.23)
Monday - How I Met Your Mother (Sept. 24), I might try out The Big Bang Theory (Sept. 24) and Chuck (Sept. 24)
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - I might try out Pushing Daisies (Oct. 3) and Bionic Woman (Sept. 26)
Thursday - Ugly Betty (Sept. 27 - YAY) and the Office (Sept. 27)
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing

Other shows people might want to know:
Desperate Housewives (Sept. 30)
America's Next Top Model (Sept. 23)
Dancing with the Stars (Sept. 24)
Heroes (Sept. 24)
Private Practice (Sept. 26)
Gossip Girl (Sept. 19)
Grey's Anatony (Sept. 27)

I'm going to be more open about tv shows. I mean I missed out on the Lost and Heroes boat so maybe now I can catch a show that everyone loves. I could try to catch up on Heroes though ... eh. Oh and apparently from the fall line-up I guess networks are banking on nerds and sci-fi. Gosh I miss Battlestar Galactica!!

1 comment:

Hedwig said...

THANKS NEW WAVE!! :) yay! p.s. mandy moore is on the season premiere of HIMYM and she looks fat hehe.