Monday, September 3

I believe I set my movie watching record this past week.

(M) Paris, Je T'aime (I Love You Paris)
Grade: B
These were a bunch of 5 minute short films done by professional filmmakers (such as the Coen Brothers) that made up the 2 hour dvd. There were some great shorts and some not so great ones but there were more good than bad. It was very fun to watch professionals do a quick story and if you don't like one of the stories, the next one is just moments away.

(M) Elephant
Grade: B
Gus Van Sant's high school/Columbine movie was better to me than I had heard anyone talk about, except my brother who also enjoyed it.

(M) 51 Birch Street
Grade: B+
This was a great look at how two people lived in a marriage who are from my grandparents generation. Roles were different back then. This is a documentary that a man does who investigates what was going on in his parents marriage because after his mom unexpectedly dies, the husband of this woman marries his past secretary 3 months later. Growing up in an age where divorce was not acceptable you get insight into what the life of being "stuck" together was like. I liked this far far more than I was expecting to.

(M) Brief Crossing
Grade: B
This movie, from controversial director (Catherine Breillat) of Romance, Fat Girl, and The Anatomy of Hell, tells a story of an older married woman who meets a 16-year-old male on a boat ride crossing from England to France and engages him in conversation about women in society and the roles of men and women. This director always discusses the role of women and how society treats and or views them. As with almost anything this director does, I really enjoyed the film.

(M) Quinceanera
Grade: B+
This is another movie I enjoyed far far more than I was expecting too. I though the story line of a young mexican/hispanic family trying to grow-up in Echo Park was great.

(M) A History Of Violence / Grade: C-
(M) Apocalypto / Grade: B+
(M) Trapped In The Closet (Ch. 13-22??) / Grade: F-
(M) Mondo Cane / Grade: C (All I have to say is WTF & humans are stupid).
(M) And God Created Woman / Grade: C
(M) Man Ray [Documentary] / Grade: B-
(M) What The Bleep Do We Know / Grade: C+
(M) The Last Days [Documentary] / Grade: B-
(M) Joy Division [Here Are The Young Men + Substance] / Grade: C

(B) No One Belongs Here More Than You, Stories By Miranda July
Grade: B
I found some of Miranda July's stories very entertaining and then I found some to just be average stories. However I felt every story had great moments of humor or quirks that were quite humorous that it made every story an enjoyable read.


pigern said...

Hm, my mag reviewed 51 Birch Street and gave it a pretty good review but said at its worst, it's like a glorified home video. Anyway, maybe I'll check it out.

pigern said...

Wait. You saw this many movies in one week?! Wow.

Darth said...

i'm still confused by the F-

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed Birch Street. It kinda is a glorified home video, but the parents of this guy were quite interesting once you can get passed the pathetic qualities of the director. We shall discuss this when you return.