Thursday, June 14

(M) Clifford
This movie with Martin Short was something I saw many many years ago. It is about a little 10 year old boy named Clifford (played by Martin Short) who wants to go to Dinosaur-World. He is such a hassle to his parents that they leave him with his uncle in Los Angeles. Clifford's uncle, Martin (played by Charles Grodin), has promised to take Clifford to Dinosaur-World. But when work requires a project to be redone in 48 hours, Martin has to cancel his plans and Clifford wants his revenge. It is entertaining and Mary Steenburgen (the most BEAUTIFUL woman in the world) is also in this film.

One of my favorite scenes is when Martin comes home to find Clifford tied up (by Clifford's own doing) and Martin asks what happened. Clifford tells him, "Oh Uncle Martin, I am so glad you're here. I got on the train to run away, but a person tried to touch my special no-no place! And when I got back, there were bikers here. And they tied me up, Uncle Martin, and then they told me stories that they do on their bikes. Some of them were fun but some of them were scary!"

It's amusing if you see it. Martin Short is quite a character.


pigern said...

ha ha. i remember this movie.

Darth said...

so how long will you be in the mental institution unlce martin?

you're the one in a stray jacket clifford

i suppose you'll be wearing it soon enough though, much bigger of course

Curelover said...

I totally remember this movie ... odd yet funny. I need to watch it again.