Monday, January 15

(M) Notes on a Scandal Grade: A
I wasn’t sure whether I would enjoy this film, because it seemed like it might be overly dramatic or overly done. But it was actually quite involving, and Judi Dench was simply amazing. Cate Blanchett also was fantastic. Plus, it was set in England. I especially enjoyed The Streets reference: You’re fit, says the younger bloke. And don’t I know it, replies Cate’s character. Hehe.

(M) Children of Men Grade: B
I think this one was too hyped for me. It didn’t help that my friend told me it was the best picture of the year. I did enjoy it, thought the concepts relevant and admit it was overall well done, but I could have done without all the shoot ’em up gun battles that make me squirmish.

(M) Who Put the M in Manchester? Grade: B+
Well, the answer is Morrissey! Great live concert DVD, which I rewatched to prepare for the February Moz gigs. (Fantastic!) My favourite part of the film was when a bloke leaps up on stage to touch Morrissey but slams against the wall before being pulled away by security. And his Royal Queeness says, You will never get on stage. Neeevvverrr! Hehe.


Curelover said...

I need to see Notes still and I'll write my review for Children later. (sigh) Here we go again with the whole Oh Moz! is so great crap. Ugh. Why did he have to go come to Pasadena and play so Pigern can talk about it all the time. Is this what she feels like when I go on and on about the Cure or Radiohead??? Hmmm I should stop ... NOT!

Anonymous said...

what's a bloke?