Sunday, November 19

(M) Ye Yan (The Banquet). (Xiaogang Feng, 2006) Grade: D+

Thoughts: Empress Wan (Zhang Ziyi) is married to Emperor Li (You Ge) after the mysterious death of the first Emperor, who happens to be Emperor Li’s brother. Empress Wan sends word to Prince Wu Luan (Daniel Wu) to come and avenge his father’s death. When the Prince arrives he tries to expose his uncle for the murder of his father while fighting his feelings for Empress Wan and Qing Nu (Xun Zhou). Now if all this sounds a bit familiar it might be because in high school you read Hamlet, which is what this movie is based upon. I had many, many problems with this film. The slow motion frame shooting of the film made it drag, the highly sexual let’s see how many times we can get Zhang Ziyi naked because she is white man’s candy, the over the top acting and dialogue and the list goes on. Zhang Ziyi bugs me because I swear she only has two expressions – pouting and crying. Daniel Wu is good looking but I still stick by my whole he is a terrible actor bit. Ugh. The only saving grace of the whole film was Xun Zhou who I really enjoyed watching her here.

Count: 115 movies

11 more blogs to go ...

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