Grade: A
This Japanese instrumental guitar band was amazing. This is the 2nd time I've seen them and it's really impressive what a couple people can do with instruments. The impact behind their music, especially live, is quite impressive. And what is amazing to me is that my ears weren't ringing after the show.
(G) Pinback (at the Avalon)
Grade: B
A great show by Pinback. I have always enjoyed their sound more on CD than live but they are trully great. I was impressed with the show. The first three songs were ones I wasn't too familiar with but after that I knew every song and they all happened to be one's I liked and would have hoped that they played. Last time I was at the Avalon I sat up in the balcony all the way at the back and it sorta ruined the performance, I felt so dis-associated from what was going on. This time I sat in the fornt of the balcony and was utterly pleased with my view.
(M) Millions
Grade: B
This is a cute little movie about a boy who happens upon a bag full of money in Europe. It's 3 days before their currency gets changed over to the Euro so they (he and his brother) have to decide what to do with the money. The brother wants to blow it all on himself while the young boy who found the money wants to help the poor and those less fortunate than himself. Eventually it's discovered that the money came from a robbery and one of the criminals is on the hunt for the money which provides for the drama, and "what will happen" aspect of the film. Over-all a cute and enjoyable film.
Oh, man. I wanted to see Mono since my friend told me their great and I downloaded a bunch of their tracks, but it sold out that night before I got a ticket. Oh well.
Sorry Pigern... wish you could have seen them. They were.... amazing!
This is not related to this blog but an older one Cup regarding the Trois Couleurs. I agree that Blue is by far the best of the three. White was the weakest and Red is quite enjoyable. I need to buy that on DVD. I tried to get through Krzysztof Kieslowski's The Decalogue series but it was hard. I think I got up to four but I really would like to finish watching them all.
I ac tually just put the Decalogue on my netflix because on the DVD extra's for each movie (and there are a lot) they ALWAYS talked about the Decalogue so I was like.. I guess I have to watch it. Yes, Blue is just an amazing film. As I said, Red means more to me now than when I first saw it and White is ok. I never need to see it again.
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