Friday, December 16

Currently, I am listening to the theme song from the Mighty Ducks. Just thinking about Gordon Bombay and the Ducks has me pumped up, so I will review two movies that have come to pass for me. I was forced to watch them by Pauline. My scale does not come with +'s or -'s.

RENT: Grade C
I went into this flick not knowing much about it other than it was about AIDS, drugs, homosexuality etc., as I had not watched the stage production. The closest thing I had ever seen to RENT was LEASE. So here are the positives: Some of the music is very good, although I really do wish that they had cast Jon Bon Jovi as Roger, I mean the guy that played Roger had a very similar look to JBJ anyways. Imagine him screaming "blaze of glory" during One Song Glory! That would have probably boosted my grade to a A. Also as a guy I must say that Rosario Dawson was bueno to watch. The negatives: The story was not hard to follow, yet I cannot really describe why I did not like it. I just feel that the stage show would be a lot better, and that even though I hear that it is a good adaptation of it, it just did not work for me. For the DVD release, they should somehow put in JBJ to do all the Roger scenes, i'm just saying.

Memoirs of a Geisha: Grade D
"A story like mine should never be told." Damn right Zhang Ziyi! "For pity's sake," this movie was 146 minutes long, but felt even longer than that.* If any of you have boyfriends, please do not take them to watch it, unless you want them to not let you pick what movies to watch for the next three months. They can also pay for my beer if I spared them. I had heard that this story was compelling and that the book was very good from many people that I know so I went in open minded. "That was a mistake."** From the opening sequence to the end I was bored out of my mind. It felt like an ear wig was burrowing through my eyes. Crazy right? A ear wig through my eyes, but that's what it felt like. The only reason this movie is not receiving an F from me is I like everybody in my class to pass. Actually the film is aesthetically pleasing, and Ken Watanabe is cool, ergo the boost in the grade. On a side note, why does Zhang Ziyi have to be a whore in every film she has been in other than Rush Hour 2? I think she does "it"*** in every film she has ever been in. They could just take any of the scenes from either Crouching Tiger, Hero, Memoirs and cut and paste it in to any of the other films and I would not know the difference. Well actually, (Spoiler Alert), you would know the difference in Memoirs, as she actually consumates with none other than Ted Levine. Who is Ted Levine**** you ask? The picture below will explain all. Hahahaha..OOOH WEEEEE. Sorry girls and boys, don't hate me.

*Quote from Boromir in LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
**Quote from Jet Li, in I forget which movie. How come he and Jackie Chan were not cast in "Memoirs?"
***"It" does not mean Pennywise the clown, but rather sexual relations.
****Ted Levine = Buffalo Bill.


Darth said...

"Now we are rivals!"

Curelover said...

memoirs of a geisha just looks cheesy. the trailers have zhang ziyi dancing around looking like a fool when i'm sure the book was much more serious. i like how on chinese blog sites they are calling zhang ziyi a whore and sell out for playing a japanese character. classic.