Friday, December 16

Your Opinion Please:

You know how some customer service people expect gifts during the holiday season? Like, here's an example. Let's say you have a hair stylist and during the holidays you go to get your haircut and those people are expecting a larger than normal tip from you as a Christmas Gift. Should it be the other way around? If you go to a hair stylist every month or every other month and you pay $40-$60 (or more) for a hair cut and then on top of that you pay, let's say 20% more for a tip... after all that money, should they be giving you a free haircut during the holidays instead of you giving them a larger tip?

I'm saying ONLY if you are a frequent LOYAL customer. Should it be their way of saying Thank You for your loyalty to me and as a holiday gift I won't charge you for this haircut. What do you think? They were talking about this on the radio tonight and it was an interesting perspective.

Side Note:
I leave on my Road Trip Friday... hopefully traveling up the Coast, San Fransisco, Portland, Seattle. Have a Merry Christmas everyone.

1 comment:

Darth said...

At supercuts if you pay for 12 haircuts you get one if you get one a month, you are given the free one after the first of the year....other than that, no you can't get free haircuts.