Friday, October 3

hey all. so i'm sick and getting more and more behind in med school. i think i'm going on borderline depression...blah. maybe i'm just being a baby and should just tell myself to get my ass in gear....which is what i was trying to do yesterday but BAM i got sick and i couldn't focus for shit. and i'm still sick...and will prolly be sick for the weekend. but i feel guilty b/c i should study but all i want to do is go spend time w/ the red head and my family and not have to worry about anything except that. and it's just not med school that is giving me mom's bf had a triple bypass last week and he's still in the hospital and no one is really sure what's gonna happen. so my mom is worrying me b/c she's all stressed out and that is looming in the back of my head--which is why i wanna spend time w/ my family. the redhead and i are still trying to heal from the whole break up and things of that nature and THAT's stressful b/c we only see each other on weekends...which is why i wanna spend time with him. so i try to prioritize my life but it's hard when 3 of my top priorities are not exactly in the best shape possible. yeah med school should be my top priority....but my personal life is important to...prolly much more important to me than my career. I mean i kno i'll bounce back but man i'm behind!! sorry for the random venting...but i needed to do it. i SHOULD be in class right now...but i didn't feel like going....what i really want to do is just stay in my room all day. :listening to: traffic report on star 98.7

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