Friday, October 3

i should be asleep but hey tomorrow is friday and i'll just sleep at work ... hee hee. okay so saw the raveonettes tonight and they were great but what is with the lackluster crowd .... geez. booooooooooooo to them. but i guess the reason for the blog (thanks to dorkus's idea) is what i saw people wearing. my gosh the 80's are so back in full force. i know i know it has been going on for awhile but yikes. what drives these people to walk into a store and pull up a shirt that they know is trendy and all in fashion and think "hey if i put this on i'll be original and different", when in reality EVERYONE HAS IT. wtf. seriously people. i like how in this one article i read ... mos def and david bowie talked about how fashion and pretty much music are basically force fed down the throat's of people. think about ... MTV, Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic, InStyle, US Weekly or People, and so on all dictate how you should dress, what to wear, what is in, what is out, what to listen to, how to conform ... dang it people conform ... DO IT NOW is what these places are screaming which is sad. well i say enough but what do i know ... i'm just one of those ugly freak girls off to the side judging, mocking and scoffing and i guess in a way if these people did stop then what would i have to blog about.

spinning: nothing .... it is late and i need sleep.

p.s. ....... yay FTC blogged :) ..... good luck on that test today okay ... i'm sure you will do fine and that garbage t-shirt will help you.

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