Wednesday, September 10

okay, i emailed new wave about this but i don't know how to handle this without being rude...
but some of my college friends and i are planning to go on a cruise in november plus our boyfriends. so i called a travel agent to get their pricing. anyways, i'm talking and when i got off the phone my coworker jessica was like i want to go too! so i was like "what"? and i told her i'm going with 10 people and we're all couples. so i'm like really, in a way i'm going with 5 of my friends and their boyfriends from school. so she calls her boyfriend and says "we're going on a cruise, sunny invited me". then she calls dina (another coworker) and tells dina to go and bring a friend. and she told dina, yeah sunny invited us to go on a cruise with her and her friends. no joking...and i was just like um sure not wanting to be rude but not sounding very enthusiastic.
so she's asking me all these questions about how much is it going to be, where is it going, when is it.... what the heck? i didn't invite her!!! but she's the person i hang out with at work, and i don't want to be rude...but how do i nicely tell her it's my own thing?

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