Wednesday, January 6

Well, I got laid off today. It's definitely a weird feeling, cos for six years, I had my routine down, and today it was: Pack up your desk, and you can go. Bye.

I was thinking that in publishing, the longer a magazine is around, the less likely you think it will die, an inverse relationship to humans and death. I mean, the older a person is, the less shocking it is when they go. But take Gourmet magazine (70 years) or Editor & Publisher (more than 100 years), you just don't think they'll go away.

The magazine I worked for has been around for 30 years, so I guess it is not as established, perhaps less shocking.


Curelover said...

Nah I think it is more a sign of the times. Magazines were great for people who didn't have the Internet to get content but that has changed in the past 15 years. The print media overall is dying but not publishing because people are always writing about stuff aka blogs, twitter, Fbook updates .. whatever it may be and with that people are always reading.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

I'm sorry to hear about the Cheryl, but.. I HIGHLY recommend taking a trip somewhere. You now have some free time.. take a two week vacation somewhere in the world if you can. Now is a chance that you may not have for a number of years.