*On St. Patty's Day, my friend Eric, Darth, Pigern and I went to Bodega in Pasadena for their $3 Guinness special. It was relatively quiet around the Paseo area given it was a drinking holiday. I guess since it was a Tuesday and the economic times people were not interesting in coming out. Oh well. Eric, Darth and I had a good time drinking it up :)
*Can't say I have been doing much else but drinking. Last week I had at least 6 Guinness that is like one per day. Yum Yum.
*I am bummed I was not able to sign up on my friend Jim's NCAA blog bracket but for some reason the page never loaded for me. Grrr. Oh well. I'll just watch how Obama is doing.
*Did you guys happen to catch this on the Simpsons last night? Freaking funny.
*Oh and BSG came to end on Friday :( ... (sniff) What an amazing show. Although I must admit that series finale was nothing to write home about. It was enjoyable but not amazing.
*So more than a month ago, Darth and I got an apartment together. It has been interesting to say the least. The biggest issue is furnishing the place which has really been hurting my pocketbook :( The other issue has been the setting up the cable TV. Apparently the building we are in only allows us to use Dish Network which sucks because I much rather have Charter or Direct TV but go figure. (sigh) On the plus side, I now have DVR and I am not going to lie I am going to use that thing like mad. Ha ha. Oh and now I have a desire for a bigger TV. Dang it.
LOVE that Simpsons clip. I'm going to watch it again... and then watch "Once" again. Love it!
I'm going to start watching DVDs of Battlestar Galactica soon because I've heard so many people talk about it recently (even on NPR!).
Also, you and Darth should get your furniture at IKEA. There's no such thing as too much IKEA furniture (see my apartment). To make it look even more like my place, you should also put up Michigan stuff everywhere.
Yes please add BSG to your DVD list Jim. Everyone should watch BSG!!
Yes Ikea is good ... not so sure about the Michigan stuff everywhere. I say Cure and Star Wars stuff everywhere :)
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