Topic: Lost, holidays
*I finished Season 1 of Lost and I have to admit it was great. I really enjoyed it even with a few small issues like too many Jack stories and the slow-mo usage. I am starting to like more characters and some characters have changed from what I thought they were like. On to Season 2 for me now.
*The holidays are upon us now and I really get the sense it is going to be a quiet one given the economic situation. It will be better for America to curb on the spending and start doing some saving.
*On a random note, I was reading about Barack Obama on Wikipedia and apparently he went to Occidental College for two years before transferring to Columbia in New York. I just found that funny because I made it in to Occidental but decided to go to UCR. Ha ha.
My grandparents went to Occidental college.
Oh wow that is pretty cool. Yea who knew a small college in Eagle Rock is getting a bit of fame.
My cousin went to Occidental so I found out when I saw her alumni magazine with Obama on the cover. The University of Michigan can claim one president, Gerald Ford, though unfortunately we can't claim any elected presidents...
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