*I think the lay offs at work shook some people up. The economy really is a sad mess now. I guess the 10 plus hours a day I have been pushing at work are worth it just so I can have a job. (sigh).
*For awhile now I have been trying to grow my hair out to donate to Locks of Love after a friend of mine did it. It took awhile and I thought about just hacking it all off once but but I finally got to the 10 inches I needed. It feels odd to have such short hair but I like it. Even if I do look like a Chinese page boy now. Oh well.
*I realized almost EVERYONE I know has watched Lost. I have been pretty against the show for a number of reasons but mainly because of all the hype that surrounded it. I finally decided to give it a go and am plowing slowly through Season 1. It is actually pretty decent though I could do without most of the people on the island. So far my favorite character is Locke. He is awesome.
*Anyone else think SNL's whole presidental stuff is trying to be a poor man Daily Show? Anyone else as tired of the election as I am? Look I live in a blue state ... putting up signs here does nothing cause guess what ... Obama has this state.
Oh but there was this good segment on The World on Friday regarding Chinese voters. Here is a bit of the intro:
"According to a recent survey, one third of Chinese-American voters are still undecided about who to vote for on November 4th. Many of them are older and live in New York and California, states Barack Obama is expected to win easily and where there is little outreach going on by either campaign. So their English-speaking sons and daughters are filling the void and many of them are trying to persuade their parents to vote for Barack Obama. Host Marco Werman speaks with Yan Tai, a reporter in New York for the Chinese-language daily World Journal and Feet in Two Worlds, a project of The Center for New York City Affairs at The New School."
*New Cure album 4:13 Dream this Tuesday ... YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
There was an article in the Washington Post last week about how there is a high number of Asians voting in Northern Virginia. I was happy to see Asians mentioned, but unfortunately the accompanying photo is of Asians selling lemonade... for McCain. I'm thinking of setting up a rival stand for Obama, possibly selling latte.
Hmm Lattes for Obama has a nice ring to it. Go for it!! But actually most Asians don't like coffee so maybe go with tea :)
In order to really reach the core asian voters you should set up a boba for obama stand.
I think you're right... tea and boba are probably the best options. "Boba for Obama" is pretty catchy!
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