Friday, November 9

Topic: Cold, Wii bowling, Writer's strike, TV

* I did my BEST game ever on Wii bowling. I scored a 289 .. 10 strikes in a row and then a spare. So close to that perfect game. I love how that bugs Darth.

* So the Writer's strike is going on day 5 now. The writers should get paid for their work. No problems about that. What I don't see is how studios are thinking so old fashion on how us the public watch TV. There are a million forms of media out there and people don't have to watch like back in 1988. A part of me thinks they are focusing on the wrong problem here. The writers should get paid for their work but there are some serious issues TV will be facing soon. I put up a video of the guys from the Office who write and act on the show and their concerns. Their point about the Websodies is so correct though.

* I hope the strike does end soon. I don't want to wait too long for my 24. Gosh there really is not a lot of good TV or movies out there now. This Oscar season seems so dry.

* I feel like winter is upon us in California. It is 52 degrees at night and for us Los Angelenos that equals COLD.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I was quite bad with the Wii bowling. Maybe because my Mii character was Asian, and it could sense that I should not be good at bowling? The Wii is so hi-tech!