Wednesday, November 7

Flight of the Conchords Grade: Average to enjoyable
According to New Wave, “every indie kid loves this show.” It came across my desk at work, so I decided to watch a few episodes, as everyone in my office keeps raving about it. And after the first two, I like the show, but mind you, don’t love it. It’s cute and the song parodies are pretty hilarious, made up of the worst possible lyrics imaginable. Anyway, it’s an entertaining diversion.


Darth said...

I agree. I caught this show a few times on HBO but it wasn't must see TV. It was a nice distraction, but that's a bit all. Their David Bowie was funny.

Curelover said...

So much TV for me to watch. I'll have to find time for this show. It is not very long on the plus side so there is that. I don't get why all the indie kids love this crap. I hate them.