Wednesday, June 6

Topic: TV, SF, iTunes

*Frak I'm such a dork. I was trying to post something on here and deleted one of my old post. :( Oh well.

*I'm watching this BBC show called Hex and the theme song is Garbage #1 Crush. Pretty kick arse if you ask me.

*I was going to blog about going to SF but I am way too lazy. Here is a short run down: AirBart is now $3 bucks, Arcade Fire show was great, Greek venue at UCB is really cool, got to see my friend's house in Union City and an old hs classmate (good times), watched a lot of Roseanne (that show rules), rode the BART a lot, I remembered why I didn't like SF that much, saw a lot of old Cantonese people (they rule) and last but not least I got to spend time with FORRRRR TTTTTHHHHEEEEE CCCHHHHEEESSSSEEE (or is it Feta Cheese) :) Always the bestest!!!

*I have been listening to old cds at work because that is what I am loading on my iTunes here. I learned I really do love Aaliyah and old Depeche Mode is great.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Old Depeche Mode is SUPERB!!!!