Tuesday, June 19

I'm back from Hawaii and I had a blast. I still have to upload pictures to my computer and sort them out, but look out for a blog on my personal site. For now, I will be cool like New Wave and blog on multiple movies that I saw during my stay in the islands. I'll keep it short since people have probably already blogged about them and some I don't have much to say about.

(M) Blood Diamond (Zwick, 2006)
Grade: A+
Amazing performances from the cast, especially Leo and Djimon. Jennifer Connelly was charming and has really grown up since her Labyrinth days. The story was compelling and disturbing. Leo is hot.

(M) The Last King of Scotland (MacDonald, 2006)
Grade: B+
The whole time I was watching Blood Diamond, I kept thinking to myself that Leo should have gotten the Oscar but I told myself to hold off on my decision until I watched this movie. I still think Leo should have won. So back to Forrest Whitaker, who did a great job portraying this character. I didn't like the story as much as Blood Diamond, but it was interesting because it was loosely based on true events.

(M) Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Story, 2007)
Grade: C+
As Kevin Smith said this morning on K&B, "it was watchable." I never watched the first one, and only watched this one because my little brother wanted to watch it and my dad paid. Jessica Alba's dye job is HORRIBLE, the acting meh, and the writing meh. I think it's funny that Johnny Storm has to say "Flame on" to start his fire hee hee.

(M) Wild Hogs (Becker, 2007)
Grade: C-
Yes, as if United hadn't tortured me enough, they gave me this crap to watch. C- is basically the lowest grade I will give a film cuz I don't like being mean and people put effort into making movies. There were so many star actors (John Travolta, Tim Allen, Marissa Tomei, William H. Macy)in this film that somehow I was hoping it would be at least a little bit good. Alas, I was mistaken. Corny jokes, sappy theme, biker stereotypes; it was almost like a bad western movie on motorcycles. The funniest part of the hole movie was the end credits when they did a spoof of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition where they rebuilt the biker bar they burned down. Bad.


Curelover said...

Welcome back Hedwig :) I need to watch Blood Diamond and The Last King of Scotland. I did see Fantastic Four one so I am a bit interested to see two. Wow Wild Hogs!! Passssss.

pigern said...

I see all the bad movies on my flights too. :D

Darth said...

i watched fantastic 4: silver surfer too....i thought there was too much four....not enough surfer.