Sunday, April 22

Today I found out one of my co-workers who just resigned is dating another one of my co-workers. The one that resigned was an asian woman and the guy she is dating is a white guy. I think every asian girl I know is dating a white guy. Today I was out shopping and I saw asian girls with white guys in every store I went into. So I ask, what is it about asian girls and white guys? Is this a stereotype that is getting played up much more in theory than in reality? Obviously on the global scale asian women are dating asian men more than they are dating white men. However, why don't I see equally as many asian guys with white girls? I was wondering if anyone here had any insights on this. Here's a site where a guy rants on asian women and white men as well as other things. By the way I just wanted to add that I don't care who dates who, this is just something I hear about.


pigern said...

A racial phenomenon similar to Hispanics’ love for Morrissey?

Cup-O-Noodles said...

yes... what is up with hispanics and morrissey???!!!

bleed like me said...

I'm one hispanic who doesnt love me some morrissey, although i'll take a big slice of the smiths pie.
oh yeah, and i'll repeat my observation: EVERYONE on this site (except I, since I am neither asian nor white) has been involved in a asian chick-white dude relationship...go figure

pigern said...

I love me some Smiths too!

Curelover said...

Yea I'll have a slice of the Smith pie as well. Although not as big of slice as you FTC cause I love me some Cure :)

Look Cup the answer to your question is simple. There was this huge meeting where all the Asian girls got together and agreed to date white guys cause they are THE PERFECT TYPE of man and the ones who did not attend are dating the Asian guys. So next time you see an Asian girl with a white just think she went to the meeting. Done and done.

Yes yes FTC everyone on this site but you have been in the yellow/white relationship ... so sad huh :(

Cup-O-Noodles said...

I think inter-racial relationships are a positive thing. But the question for me goes deeper. Why don't I see as many relationships like white men and black women. I hardly see that match-up. I am just thinking about what causes certain relationships. I will pontificate on my own blog, sorry for the semi-serious question. Back to movie reviews!!! hahaha.

Curelover said...

Well semi serious is okay here but this topic has been beaten to death like a dead horse. If you want reasons of the white man/asian girl cause: 1. social economics 2. strangely there are more asian girls being born then asian boys (no stats to prove this) 3. personal preferences by certain individuals 4. green card/citizenship 5. the big meeting all the asian girls had to go to ... personally I'm sticking by this one. HA HA. or 6. who knows ....

pigern said...

I think it also is the area we live in. There are a lot more Asians living in certain areas, such as California, so a higher likelihood of such match-ups. Oh, New Wave, I remember that meeting. I was at the bar in the back not paying attention.

bleed like me said...

im with new wave on this one, semi-serious, or even full-on SERIOUS, topics are cool and all, but why bring up something you've brought up before? maybe i should write another charm school review ;)