- An article about how as bad as bands like Hinder and Nickelback are people love them. It is kinda of funny.
- Offical album cover and tracklisting for new Tori Amos album in May.
- I thought I was a loser for all the movies I watch but this guy is trying to go to all the Starbucks!!?? I like all the HK and Spain ones.
- Why is Sanjaya still on American Idol?? It is pretty messed up because now he is just a joke but apparently some lady is straving herself until he gets voted off. Check out her MySpace page.
- I know no one cares but they picked up Battlestar Galactica for a fourth season wtih 22 eps and a two hour movie :) YAY!!
so by continuing to vote for this Sanjaya kid we can accomplish a few things:
1. crush the industry giant that is american idol, by showing that it really is a popularity contest and not talent based, thus ending its reign on television.
2. make someone starve, this is funny cause they are doing it over something so trivial as american idol?
3. raise the dreams of otherwise untalented kid. he'll get a recording contract out of it, which he would never get.
4. more fun haircuts from sanjaya!
5. hopefully people will stop watching.
for the reasons stated, if i ever were to vote, it would be for him
i kinda feel bad for him. he's standing up there, the laughing stock of the country and he just has to take it. i would be mortified. i do, however, look forward to the new fun hairdo's (i really wish they did the faux mohawk last week, but maybe someday soon...)
Sanjaya is a woman.
Yea seriously EVERYONE is just laughing at him. I wonder how the other contestants feel. They must be a bit pissed they got voted off and he gets to stay. I know I would be.
If he survives one more week he'll be included on the American Idol tour. Since he wasn't even in the bottom 3 this week it's pretty likely that'll happen.
If he wins, America wins.
Best Week Ever did a whole segment on him this week, it was great.
...the theories of why Sanjaya is still on Idol..."vote for the worst"
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