HPV Vaccine
Gardasil was approved by the FDA on June 8, 2006. I had to look it up today for "homework" on my rotation. HPV infections are the most common sexually transmitted infections in women. The vaccine protects against 4 strains of the HPV virus; two of which cause genital/respiratory warts, the other two that cause cervical cancer. The recommended age range is 9-26 years of age. The reason why I blog about this is because of the media exposure it has gotten recently. I think this is awesome. Not only have there been commercials which have been circulated well, but the last two weeks Greys Anatomy has mentioned it during episodes in significant plot lines. As far as I've heard, Michigan and Texas have passed laws which include the HPV vaccine to be part of immunizations required to enter in 6th grade. Now, I tried to find a clip of Greys Anatomy, but all I could find was one of the commercials for Gardasil.
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