Sunday, February 11

(M) An Unreasonable Man (Henriette Mantel, Steve Skrovan, 2006) Grade: B+
Nice case of serendipity this weekend: I was bored on Saturday so I decided on a whim to see this film, which I had heard about when Ralph Nader was on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. Since it was only playing at the Nuart, I figured it might sell out. But it didn’t! Even better, Nader was there in person. He introduced the film with the filmmakers, which was a nice little surprise. Say what you will about the 2000 election (did he affect Al Gore’s chances or not), Nader is admirable for his consumer advocacy work. And this documentary was pretty even-handed, giving supporters and naysayers their chance to speak. Plus, there are cameos from historian Howard Zinn, politician Pat Buchanan and others.


Cup-O-Noodles said...

I voted for Nader. I'd have liked to have seen this and him. NEAT! (haha)

Curelover said...

Nader is a cool and kooky guy.