Wednesday, February 21

The Cold War Kids are performing a FREE secret gig tomorrow in Hollywood for anyone interested in seeing this buzz band. Here is the info:
Secret Show Warehouse @ 1530 Ivar, Hollywood. Gig to start at 7p (but really 10p).


Hutch said...

When I managed my college's radio station, one of my DJs was the bass player for Cold War Kids. He's a pretty cool guy. I haven't talked to him for a while, but we still have a lot of mutual friends.

Curelover said...

They are getting huge. It is funny cause so many people know them or went to school with them at Biola.

Hutch said...

It's odd to see him be the one to make it big in music. I was friends with lots of people at Biola who were/are trying to make it in the music biz. Matt played with people every now and then, but was seemed mainly focused on his art. They took the band name from the name of his art website. There are a few others from the Biola group who are about to hit the big time too.