I’m not one to dislike a band for its popularity or be a naysayer to the so-called newbie fans, but when it impedes my ability to see a band, I do get a little bitter. Case in point: I leave work today at 4:50p and rush to Amoeba to see The Shins. Even though they aren’t playing a proper gig, with the exception of KCRW’s, I figure I can at least see them for free at the in-store. I literally rush to Amoeba and with traffic and parking, I arrive at 5:20p. My friend tells me to hurry up because he’s already in the back and it’s packed. But by the time I arrive, there’s a line. And after 20 minutes waiting, an Amoeba clerk says that it’s at capacity and there’s no chance we’re getting in. I’m pretty upset. It’s then that I use my true fan card, ranting to New Wave, who insists they’re not that good anyway, that I listened to Oh Inverted World back in 2001, three years before Zach Braff used it in his so-called indie film, which wasn’t that good anyway. I deserve to be inside. So unfair. (sad face)
Sorry about the Shins Pigern. Who knew.
Sorry Pigern. Bum luck. I wasn't too impressed with their performance at Belle and Sebastian so you probably didn't miss much.
No, the Shins are good live! They're B&S performance wasn't their best. Boo hoo boo!
i heard their music can change your life.
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