Sunday, January 7

Going along with Hedwig's post about reconnecting with high school classmates via MySpace, a classmate (not even a friend) found me on the site and started to email me. I didn't think much of it but apparently he fancied me back then and still does, which I thought a bit strange, just because high school was so long ago. Anyway, long story short, I basically had to be mean and tell him to stop talking to me. But he sent me a weird email today about some dream he had about me. Should I a) not respond and ignore it; b) email him back that he's creepy and to not contact me; or c) be nice but brief in response, which was my first instinct because it's hard for me to be impolite.


Hedwig said...

i say a. ignore and move on. he'll get the hint eventually. this is only if his email didn't warrant a response. if he asked something then reply. keep it short; possibly even use a one liner.

it is really crazy who remembers you from high school and who actually wants to keep in touch, despite the fact you never really were friends with them.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

I say don't respond at not, not even if he asked you a question. Just ignore him and you can block him too.

Curelover said...

Just email him three simple words - I am gay. Done and done :)