Saturday, December 2

Here is a crazy story I just heard today and maybe Hedwig would be interested in this since she is going into the medical profession. I know somebody who is a social worker and she was in a meeting or conference the other day and heard about this. You know how people will cut themselves when they are depressed? Well there was this surgical nurse who would cut herself but instead of cutting herself along her wrists, or legs, she would give herself the surgical 'Y' cut on her chest and open up her chest and abdomen and move around her organs. She was discovered because normally she is able to un-clamp herself and stitch herself back up but one time she was unable to and had to call the paramedics. Isn't that crazy? Can you imagine surgically operating on yourself, opening yourself up, moving organs around and stitching yourself back up. That's NUTS!!!


Hedwig said...

i think, I THINK that's physically impossible. did she "hear" about it in the sense that one of her friends had that particular case or just heard in the sense that my friend's, brother's, girlfriend's aunt said.....?? regardless it's a pretty twisted concept.

Hedwig said...

an added thought, surgical nurses usually don't do the stitching...yeah it's just not possible, even if she was an actual surgeon.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Yeah... that's what I thought. I as like... uhh.. that's impossible I think. I think she heard about it during one of her seminars where she has to go for mental disorders and things people do. But still... I'm questioning it. If it did happen though... crazy.

What about blood loss?

Anyway... she'd make for a good character ala Silence Of The Lambs.