Wednesday, October 18

(G) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Architecture in Helsinki @ Henry Fonda Theater, Oct. 15 Grade: C+
This was a gig I really didn’t have to attend. I was so tired. The show started at 9p with *two* openers. Sigh. But my friend bought tickets and insisted I go. AIH once again had really cute shirts, but I’m not really a fan, especially with their more rock sound. As a person I know once said, “The best thing about this band is their merchandise.” CYHSY was alright, except that they went on at 1130p (and I bet the parents who drove their kids to the gig were pretty mad). I think their debut is decent but I admit, I haven’t listened to it since it was released last year. I left before their encore.

(B) Lady Chatterley’s Lover (D.H. Lawrence, 1928) Grade: A+
This book was so controversial in 1928 that it was banned in both England and the U.S. But it’s fantastic. Lawrence comments on such topics as the Industrial Revolution, sexual mores and human nature with such insight that his ideas are still applicable today. Great book.

1 comment:

Curelover said...

So over AIH ... ha ha. I do like the shirt I got from them though.