Tuesday, August 22

must blog....so was watching "The Outsideers" on ABC and they were talking about these pre-teen twins who call themselves "Prussian Blue." They sing about white supremacy etc etc. That's disturbing enough right? Then they showed that they liked playing video games. This was one of the video games they played.

Ethnic Cleansing

The video game lets you play as a skinhead or a Klansman and you can kill Mexicans and Black people. Apparently the black people grunt like gorillas. Freaking disturbing!!!


pigern said...

Is that for real?!

Hedwig said...

YES! it's apparently a sequel! when asked what the girls thought of hitler, they replied that he was a great man. when the interviewer pointed out that he killed millions of jews, they replied, "i think that is an overstatement. like, i don't even think that many jews existed during that time." RIIIIGHT. No brainwashing at all.