Monday, May 29

(M) An Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore, 2006) Grade: B+
I always considered myself to be a part-time environmentalist. I bring all my bottles and newspapers to my local recycling center. I drive a fuel-efficient car. And I walk whenever I can (within reason). But our Earth is really in trouble and larger steps need to be made to protect it. Gore has presented the slideshow shown here more than 1,000 times to get the message across that our world is warming up, with dire consequences: erratic, stronger weather conditions (i.e. Hurricane Katrina); more viruses and diseases (i.e. Avian Flu); and the endangerment of more and more animals. And the list goes on...

(G) Elefant/Voxtrot/Silversun Pickups (Wiltern, May 26) Grade: B
Diego Garcia loves Morrissey. It should come as no surprise then that the night resembled one of Moz’s own with the mostly male, Mexican audience members. Silversun Pickups’ harder edge rock (reminding me in parts of Sonic Youth) was received well though they were plagued with sound problems. (At one point, only the bass worked.) Voxtrot followed with their dance-friendly, infectious pop, saving personal favorite “The Start of Something” toward the end. When Elefant arrived, they opened with “Black Magic Show” but varied the set with several older numbers, including “Bokkie,” “Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid” and “Tonight Let’s Dance.” Diego fulfilled his role as Moz-imitator, show-stopper to a tee, eliciting excited cries by affecting Spanish-accented English and encouraging fans to mob him during the encore. Oh, how Moz-errific.

1 comment:

Curelover said...

Moz-errific? Elefant is cool. Voxtrot is awesome.