Friday, January 13

Hmm new wave has been threatening me everyday since she got back from her trip about blogging so i guess I will here. Sitting at the office right now, not much is going on. This is the start of my last year here in the office. My boss is termed out at the end of 2006, so at that point i'll have to figure out what I want to do with myself. Here are some reviews about what is going on right now.

Walk the Line (M): B+

I liked this movie, but it is a typical bio pic, and it left me wanting to know more. As the movie mainly focuses on Johnny Cash's love affair with June Carter, I wanted to know what else was going on with him, and what happend after they finally got married. Even an epilogue at the end would have helped out a little more with that, but hey they wanted to show a love story and they did a good job of doing that.

Losing your Dog (O): F-

We had to put our Dog to sleep last Wednesday. It was really sad, seeing her break down so rapidly. We took her to the hospital where she stayed for 3 days before coming home, but things got worse and we had to take her back. Although it was my sister's dog for the most part, I still miss her. Its not the same coming home and not having the dog greet you, or sitting on the couch and her not jumping up next to you.

The Ringer (M): B-

This movie was pretty much what I thought it would be, Johnny Knoxville being stupid and learning a lesson, which is pretty much what happens, sorry to spoil it for you. I did find it to be funny and because it was made with the cooperation of the Special Olympics I didn't feel bad about laughing.

Grandma's Boy (M): B

I maybe giving this movie a higher grade than i propably should, but when I watched it I had no expectations what so ever. I figured it would be stupid with little to no plot. Well it was stupid and there wasn't much of a plot, but it was more than i figured, and there were a couple of funny scenes and lines that make it watchable. I kept waiting to see Adam Sandler but he was no where to be found, which was kinda odd.

Solving my Rubix Cube (O): D

Yeah I'm an idiot and can't solve this stupid puzzle. I got one for Christmas this year and just like when i was like 10 when I got my first one, I get frustrated and want to throw it across the room. I haven't started changing the stickers yet, so thats a plus at least.

Well thats it for right now. Hopefully you enjoyed my thoughts. A couple quick notes. Broncos play tomorrow, I really really really hope they win or it will ruin my week, no i'm not joking it really will.


pigern said...

You see some pretty bad films.

Curelover said...

wow changing the stickers on the rubix cube ?!? really. ha ha.

Curelover said...

oh and sorry about your dog darth. :(