Friday, November 18

Trapped in the Closet (Ch. 1 -12)
Grade: Depends on what you're looking for. F - music, A - comic relief

I too have watched the released Trapped in the Closet videos in its entirety. All I can say is wow. Darth and I had agreed to review this so here it is, and we share similar views, except he refuses to give it an F. Chapters 1-5, you probably are already familiar with. Then comes chapter 6-12 a brand new epic event. These chapters bring in a plethora of new characters to the twisted plotline of "trapped." The previous chapters held, Sylvester, Chuck, Rufus, the two ladies, and the crooked cop. Now there is Bridgette, who is in love with a midget, a midget that calls himself "big man," Twan, Sylvester's brother in law, and a nosy neighbor named Rosie....and i'm sure there are more to come. It is simply amazing. I am going to go out on a limb and say that this might be the worst thing ever in entertainment to come out in the year 2005.

The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior (WWE Entertainment) Grade: A

This is pure Vince McMahon propaganda. He totally ruins the Ultimate Warrior in this feature length documentary. The Ultimate Warrior was also one of my favorite wrestlers back in the glory days of the WWF. Other than Mr. Perfect, rest his soul, the Ultimate Warrior was one of the most vibrant characters of that era. Who could forget story lines vs, Hulk Hogan, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and the infamous Papa Shango? I know I can't. Getting back to my point. This documentary is very one-sided as the Warrior has no say in it, he was not asked to participate as he is a liability in the views of the WWE. Even with this in tow, I still believe that this was the best piece of WWE propoganda ever. It made Darth and I laugh for about 5 days straight after viewing it, actually, i'm still laughing. Do yourself a favor and borrow it from him.

1 comment:

Hedwig said...

i was watching "best week ever" on vh1 and they said something about the DVD having a commentary by R. Kelly explaining the basically, he's talking out the song's lyrics. i wonder if that's for real? lol. aiya i guess i'll have to download 6-12...i thought it was fine with just the 5 chapters.

mad tv did a parody of "trapped in a closet"...pretty funny, there were like 100 something chapters hehe.