Tuesday, November 22

(G) Shout Out Louds (Troubadour, 11/18/05). Grade: B+
With enjoyable opening bands, The Sun and The Rosebuds, this was overall a great show. Although it was energetic, fun, and lighthearted, I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more if I hadn't been tired from the work week. Friday shows just get to me. Shoud Out Louds had good stage presence (well, perhaps in comparison to the opening bands), and their set was complete with white Christmas lights too. I'm not a music critic, so let's just say I liked it. (And it was one of those rare shows where I actually enjoyed the opening bands.)

(M) Shopgirl (2005, Anand Tucker). Grade: B ?
Hmm. Hard for me determine what grade I want to give this movie. I enjoyed the movie as a whole, but I did think there were things that could have been done better, like the portrayal of the relationship between Mirabelle and Ray, which I suppose is an integral part of the movie. I don't think it was effective enough for me to really feel like what I was watching was "real." And Steve Martin's narrations interspersed throughout the movie felt too forced and contrived. It felt like its sole purpose was to narrate what the characters didn't act out in the movie. However, there are some saving graces, like the hilarious Jason Schwartman, who I think stole the show. Claire Danes was pleasant as Mirabelle. And uh, let's give the costume designer a big A for all the super cute dresses Claire Danes wore. I drooled a little (because of the dresses, not Claire Danes.)

I'm glad I watched it for myself and didn't let people's negative reviews affect my decision to watch the movie. And if anyone thinks I graded too high, let's just remember that someone here actually watched Miss Congeniality 2. Ahem. Hehe.


Cup-O-Noodles said...

I really enjoyed this show... however, due to the circumstances in which I was able to attend, I'd preferred to have not gone and had unfortuniate life circumstances be different. (Thanks and sorry New Wave).
I loved the opening bands. I thought The Rosebuds performance was the clearest sound wise and the singer had the most powerful voice out of all the bands. The first band (The Sun) was good but too loud. Shout Out Louds had the benefit of stage lights but the unfortuniate poor soundman running the board which affected not being able to hear the singer often. None the less they were really good and probably the best performance of the three bands. However, it was The Rosebuds that would have gotten me to go to the Glass House show the next night, had I gone.

Curelover said...

i've heard good things about the rosebuds and dl-ed some of their stuff and liked it. i mean they are decent enough you know. as for watching miss congeniality 2 .. yea i watched it but hey i've watched A LOT of bad movies so no surprises there. :)

pigern said...

It was weird. I liked all her thrift store-esque dresses more than the one Steve Martin buys for her, and that is supppose to be the most expensive one.