Friday, November 4


First and foremost, I am not a music snob, nor do I pretend to know a lot about music, I just likes what I likes, but I do know Autobots from Deceptacons, He-man from Skeletor, Jedi from Sith, etc. This is my take on the current day Elmer Fudd's of the world.

Has anyone else heard Kevin Federleeezy's "cut" that is on the mutha net? It is sooooo bad. I heard it on Kevin & Bean earlier this morning and I sat there laughing. I do not understand how this idiot even thinks that what he is doing is considered music. At one point he says something about paparazzi following him, but it sounds like Pavarotti. Grade: F

R. Kelly has released his Trapped in the Closet DVD's for chapters 1-12, and he has already been quoted as saying he has already written up to chapter 22. There's still more to come. How can people support this idiot. He is the same guy that pee uRinates on underaged girls, who knows what else he's done. He says that people can relate to this Hip Hopera because it happens in real life. When was the last time one of you cheated on your wife, then came to find out that she was cheating on you? Only to find out that your wife is cheating on you with your mistress' husband. Only to find out that the guy is a gay priest that has a lover, all this to drive home and get pulled over by a police officer who is also probably sleeping with your wife. Yeah....please don't support this guy. Go download it if you really must see it, or borrow it, but please don't buy it.

That's all, I felt like I needed to type up something, because I was threatened to be discommunicated from 742, by Pontiff New Wave. =)


Hedwig said...

there's 12 chapters??? i thought there was only 5. wow i'm out of the loop. yes download, no buy.

Curelover said...

you know i don't like what r. kelly did to those underage girls but i do have to say he is pretty clever to get all these people talking about his trapped in the closet series and have vh1, bet and mtv playing them. even with all his peeing and videotaping he is still making bank.

oh and i didn't know i was a pontiff. neat-o.