9 Songs (2004, Michael Winterborn) Grade: C
Okay... let me basically time line this barely over an hour long movie for you:
Man reflects on his relationship with a woman.
Couple are at a Black Rebel Motorcycle Club concert
couple have sex
Couple are at a Von Bodies concert
couple have sex
Couple are at an Elbow concert
couple have sex
Couple are at a Primal Scream concert
couple have sex
Couple are at a Dandy Warhols concert
couple have sex
Couple are at a Super Furry Animals concert
couple have sex
Couple are at a Franz Ferdinand concert
couple have sex
Couple are at a Michael Nyman concert
couple have sex
Ends at a Black Rebel Motorcycle Club concert (woman has gone away to America, man still in Europe).
Aside from going to concerts (of which they all are actual live performances showing one single complete performance of a song) they take a drive to a beach, go out to dinner, make a dinner, drink coffee.
Some sex scenes are longer than others, some are very short. One shows cunnilingus, one shows fellatio with ejaculation, final one shows penetration. So... it's "graphic" sexually. Though in my opinion not offensive in any way and it's not like watching a porno. You just watch what comes across as an average relationship going through the mundane aspects of life and in relationships there's lots of sex, monotony, and if you love music and can blow your money on gigs, lots of concerts.
I think the relationships progression was described through the lyrics of the songs but since each song was in a live fashion you can't really distinguish much of the lyrics, but then sometimes I feel the lyrics don't apply to the relationship, so who knows.
I really didn't know how to grade it. I guess it's an ok movie so I gave it a C.
yea i remember reading this movie was just sex and shows. after reading review i guess it really was. makes sense it is a european movie ... they love that stuff.
hmm if you just get rid of those annoying concerts i think this movie could be somewhat watchable.
HA! Yeah, then it'd be an A+++++!!!
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