Monday, September 5

Did anyone watch the episode of Prison Break that was on today? Why was there a lady in the trunk of the car? Who were the two guys driving it? Why is the guy trying to get out of jail (besides the obvious)? Is there a grander scheme here? Just wondering. Only caught part of an episode and thought it was interesting.

Oh yeah, Mary-Louise Parker in Weeds totally reminds me of Lorelai Gilmore.


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Curelover said...

The lady in the trunk was the girlfriend of a Simms fellow who worked with/knew Lincoln Burrows (the one about to be executed in a month). She knew information about the case that if she spoke about could get her killed. The two guys were Secret Service agents trying to make sure no one finds out the truth to the whole situation. Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) is just trying to get his brother Lincoln out of jail so he won't die in there. I think the read question though is how hot is that Wentworth Miller guy. Oh yea.