Thoughts: With Hurricane Katrina in the news recently, it is obvious man does not want to mess with nature. The documentary Grizzly Man is another reminder of that. Timothy Treadwell was a self proclaimed "protector" of the grizzly bears in a remote part of Alaska for over 13 summers. I say "protector" because it is unclear what he actually did to protect the animals. The director Herzog shows footage of him talking to friends and family of Timothy as well as footage Timothy shot before he met his deadly fate. The tragic parts of the film were how disturbed this individual was and the innocent death of his girlfrend Amie Huguenard.
(M) Untergang, Der (Downfall). (2004, Oliver Hirschbiegel) Grade: B+
Thoughts: An interesting look into Hilter's last days. The film was created after the 2002 documentary Blind Spot: Hilter's Secretary based on the German dictator's stenographer, Traudl Junge. Bruno Ganz who plays Hilter is amazing. Although the movie is around 2 hours and 40 minutes it is worth checking out.
(M) Festen (The Celebration). (1998, Thomas Vinterberg) Grade: B
Thoughts: All families have secrets and there is a time and place to discuss them; like maybe at your father's 60th birthday celebration. It took me awhile to warm up to the movie because it was shot with a handheld and I'm never a fan of that but after I got use to it I was pleasantly surprised. A honest and frank look at a family and their disturbing history involving molestation, suicide, hatred and anger.
I'm such a dork. I was messing around with my blog entries and in the process deleted one of my own. Oh well. I'm too lazy to write up my 2046 review again. Oh and for some reason we are getting spam comments on our page which is upsetting me a great deal. I'm going to have to look at fixing that but for the time being I'm deleting them.
You watched The Celebration! HAHA! Right on. I haven't seen that movie in YEARS!
What did you think of the movie? It was pretty good but the whole camera thing was annoying. Still a great film though.
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