Sunday, August 28

(B) Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules (2005, ed. David Sedaris) Grade: B+
Collections of short stories read a bit like listening to a mix tape that a friend has made for you. It gives you some insight into what your friend enjoys and considers worthwhile. Sedaris titled this collection to compare himself to the “children” and those writers who are included here and have inspired him to “Hercules.” (He noted the plural/singular forms did not work, but it sounded better than Child Playing Before Statues of Herculai.) He also found that although he is considered to be a somewhat comic writer, he did not want the collection to solely be funny stories. And these stories do read along the spectrum of emotions. Some highlights: “Interpreter of Maladies,” “People Like That Are the Only People Here” and “Cosmopolitan.”

(O) Basquiat @ MOCA Grade: B+
On Friday I went to the 1st anniversary for Filter Mini and had a chance to enjoy the Basquiat exhibit as well as the other art galleries. I like Basquiat’s use of color and texture, and his ideas are still relevant today in instigating dialogue about consumerism, politics and the basic ills of society. But for the most part, it seemed his pieces were all v. similar, especially after viewing so many, and a bit ordinary. The standout was Joseph Kosuth’s Art as Idea as Idea, because it joins text and art, making a connection between the idea itself and the idea as art.

(G) Sunset Junction in Silverlake Grade: B
On Saturday I willed myself to withstand the heat to attend the Junction and am glad for doing so. The Walkmen impressed me (although I had seen them many years ago at the Troubadour but walked out before the end of their set). The frat-type boys in the crowd (who only recognized “The Rat”) did not. I particularly enjoyed the group of kids dancing in a corner. Music making people happy makes me happy. Rilo Kiley also was impressive but felt too short. And the only non-More Adventurous track was “Frug.” Granted, that was an unexpected number, but I still wish they varied their set list. They ended with the most obvious, “Portions for Foxes.”

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