Friday, July 8

Uh, yeah I'd have to agree with New Wave about The Moving Units (*arms crossed, unimpressed).

Cup O Noodles failed to mention he got his ass kicked by an 8 year old at Poker. Haha. Well, me too. Played w/ my cousins, and for 8 and 9 years old, they're pretty good, even though they don't know what bluffing is (yet).

Watched March of the Penguins. I'm too lazy to write an actual review about this, but I did enjoy it. It's like watching a National Geographic special about penguins and what they have to go through to meet their mate, have a cute baby penguin, and endure the harsh winters.

Going to Vegas this weekend. Darth, I know you've never been to this place called Las Vegas before. I'll come back with (not so) crazy stories.

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