Sunday, July 24

Some random thoughts for the week:

- Why is it so hot? Yuck, yuck, yuck.

- I hate ants.

- Recently I decided not be such a movie snob and watch more mainstream "popular" films. I have to say though it is not working out well for me. Now adays going to the movies is so expensive (usually ranging from $8 to $10 dollars) that the film better be worth it in the end. Of the last five films I have seen in the theatre I only really liked one. How depressing is that.

- I was talking to Pigern about the type of movies I like and I tried to break it down by percentages. It went like this - 25% for mainstream popular films i.e. Happy Gilmore, Wedding Crashers, Anchorman; 25% for indie/documentary/other films i.e. anything I see at Laemmle's; 50% for foreign i.e. anything not U.S.

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