Thursday, June 16

(O) SF Tsunami warning (grade: A); NO tsunami! (grade: FFFFFFFF)

what a rip off! i wanted a tsunami!!! i want to see SF crippled! damn rich white people! (again, not to be racist)
AND THEN....L.A. gets an earthquake! such a double-diss!


Cup-O-Noodles said...

Since my cousin lives in San Fransisco and I think it's such a kick ass city I'm gonna have to give an A+ for no tsunami.

bleed like me said...

I didn't want anyone to die, I just wanted some property damage, and for the ocean to be a couple blocks down (insted of 40 blocks down) :-p
SF needs to get over itself, this would have been a much-needed reality check.

Curelover said...

San Fran. so needs to get over itself. Most of the rich people live in the city while the middle and lower class people live outside the city and have to travel into the city to serve the rich people just to make a living. Then there is Berkeley and the aggorant liberal snobs who think they know so much when in reality they might not. The only parts of San Fran. I like are Chinatown and any area where people speak Cantonese :P.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

If anyone needs to get over themselves it's fucking L.A. and you don't want a Tsunami to hit SF cause it'll be like NY after the terrorist attacks and they'll be even more arrogant and demand your sympathy.