Monday, May 23

(M) Koma. (2004, Chi-Leung Law) Grade: C+
Thoughts: A thriller/horror flick done Asian style. Chi Ching (Angelica Lee) is a rich Hong Kong socialite living it up with her smart doctor boyfriend. Enter Suen Ling (Kar Yan Lam) who is also banging Chi's boyfriend behind her back. They become the best of friends and organs are stolen. Well more like just one organ in particular - the kidney. Overall pretty entertaining but not mind blowing.

(M) Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room. (2005, Alex Gibney) Grade: B+
Thoughts: I remember reading about the Enron scandal back in 2001/2002 when it was unfolding. The emotions for one of the biggest corporate scandals in America ranged from anger, horror, disgust, fear and more anger. The movie does a good job so showing how Enron fell and all the lies and debt behind the company but I did feel it was dumbed down a bit for the audience. The film used images and popular songs to drive their points across. One review I read stated the film was more Democratic proganda which I can see. However, even with my little hang-ups the film is a must see if anything for a look into corporate America and how money, power and greed can change people.

(M) Star Wars: Episode III - Revenage of the Sith. (2005, George Lucas) Grade: B
Thoughts: So it all comes to this - the last (well maybe not) Star Wars movie and the birth of Darth Vadar. I can honestly say I was expecting nothing from this film. After all there was so much talk and continous reviews going up on the film weeks in advance I was getting pretty tired of the whole thing. If you are expecting the storyline to make sense then don't see this movie, if you want great dialogue then don't see this movie and if you are expecting Oscar worthy acting then save your money. However, if you are looking for a good action flick with lots of battle scenes, good vs. evil, Yoda, Wookies and everything that made Star Wars the money machine it is then yes go see this film and you will have an enjoyable time - like me.

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